  • 學位論文


An Analysis of International Collaboration Network in Astronomy and Astrophysics through Co-authored Publications

指導教授 : 黃慕萱


本研究探討天文學與天文物理學國際合著網絡之特性、變遷以及影響因素。研究首先利用社會網絡分析指標分析2001至2009年天文學與天文物理學之國際合著網絡特性,藉由觀察天文學機構於網絡的定位與互動關係,找出最中心以及最邊緣的機構,並調查較強連結之機構配對與凝聚子群;其次探討國際合著網絡動態,比較不同時期的網絡特性,以了解機構的網絡中心性與合著關係之變遷;最末檢驗影響國際合著的因素,從機構研究資源觀點,討論專業儀器與研究人力是否影響機構之網絡中心性及其對外國合著對象的偏好,同時分析研究資源是否對這些特性的變化造成影響。 本研究收集六種天文學與天文物理學國際專業期刊於2001至2009年出版之期刊論文,共57,934篇。經過分析彙整,以606所來自世界各國的天文學機構為研究對象,分析其國際合著網絡。研究結果發現,天文學與天文物理學國際合著情形相當普遍,九年間約有半數以上的期刊文獻屬國際合著研究,且比例仍持續上升。有越來越多機構傾向與不同國家、不同外國機構合著。雖然天文學與天文物理學之國際合著十分常見,但仍存在機構差異,顯示國際合著研究應考量機構層次。在分析的國際合著網絡中,以義大利國家天文物理學院 (Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica,簡稱INAF) 與歐洲南天文台 (European Southern Observatory,簡稱ESO)的網絡中心性最高,而日本氣象廳 (Japan Meteorological Agency,簡稱JMA) 位於最邊緣位置。 在動態網絡部份, 2001至2009年之間天文學與天文物理學國際合著網絡的規模雖不斷擴張,但整體而言無太多劇烈變化。各機構網絡中心性排名雖有起伏,但變動有限。雖然連結強度、機構配對與凝聚子群等特性隨著時間改變,但沒有太大變動,若干機構甚至傾向與合作夥伴維持穩定的關係。 在影響因素部份,本研究顯示天文學機構的研究資源確實會影響其國際合著網絡的中心性—資源條件愈好的機構,往往有較多國際合著的對象,且合著對象越來越多。資源條件好的機構也有較大的中介影響力,但該影響力未隨時間快速成長,對擁有專業儀器的機構而言,其網絡中介影響力反有減緩的趨勢,可能與儀器或觀測資源日漸普及有關。而資源的優勢並未對機構的接近中心性帶來正向影響;當人力增加時,機構在網絡上與各外國機構的平均距離甚至愈來愈遠,這可能與其研究獨立性增加有關。至於研究資源對機構合著對象偏好的影響則未如預期—結果顯示,天文學機構在進行國際合著時,不會偏好資源較優勢的對象。相較之下,「同性相吸」在天文學與天文物理學國際合著網絡更為普遍。關係較強的連結多存在於中心性相近的機構,尤其是位於相對邊緣者之間。該現象亦反應在地理位置接近的機構間—天文學機構明顯偏好與鄰近機構進行跨國合著,顯示地理因素對國際合著活動的影響效果極大。


This study is undertaken to explore international collaboration network in astronomy and astrophysics. It aims (1) to illustrate general characteristics of international collaboration network among astronomical institutions, (2) to demonstrate the dynamics of these properties of the network, and (3) to examine whether an institution’s research resources affect its centrality and relationships in the network. The study compiled 57,934 papers in six astronomical journals from 2001 to 2009. The sample consists of 606 astronomical institutions worldwide. The results show that international collaboration is prevalent in modern astronomical community. Almost all countries and institutions have experienced international collaborations over the nine years. Yet there are significant individual differences in the extent of international collaboration among astronomical institutions. In the network, the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) and European Southern Observatory (ESO) are the most notable actors with the highest values of centrality, while Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) is the only institution that separated completely from others. The international collaboration network gradually grew and expanded during the nine-year span analyzed; however, most institutions have undergone some but not radical changes in their positions and relationships in the network. Some organizations even maintain stable relationships with every foreign counterpart. Overall, there is no significant change in an institution’s preference for each of partners in the international collaboration network. Moreover, the results show that astronomical institutions with advantaged resources are more likely to have more foreign partners and play an influential role in the international collaboration network. An institution with advantages of research manpower has faster growth rate of degree and betweenness centrality. Yet research resources do not positively affect an organization’s closeness centrality. The results show that an institution does not tend to shorten its access paths to others as it has more adequate research manpower. In terms of relationships, the influence of research resources on the co-authorship preference is not as significant as it is expected. It is indicated that astronomical institutions do not prefer counterparts with higher levels of research resources in international collaborations. In general, “birds of a feather flock together” or “homophily” appears more often than “opposite attract” in the international collaboration network. Sturdy links are usually built by two peripheral institutions. Another indication is the significant effect of geographic closeness on the preference. Institutions apparently prefer foreign counterparts in neighbor countries to those in different regions.


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