  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Teachers’ Teaching Condition and Students’ Stress Adaptation

指導教授 : 吳英璋




The first aim of this study was to investigate variables that might influence teachers’ teaching performance. The second aim was to examine how these variables are related to students’ adaptation to stress. After a thorough review of all the relevant literature, we proposed that “Teacher Function”, “Teacher Stress”, and “Teacher Satisfaction” are the most important variables that would influence teachers’ teaching performance. In turn, these variables were hypothesized to influence students’ “Stress Adaptation”. The construct of “Stress Adaptation” included students’ “Mental Development” and “School Adaptation”.In study 1, participants were 218 teachers who teach in elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools. We used item-analysis and exploratory factor analysis to select items in order to develop the “Teacher Teaching Condition” questionnaire. According to the results of Study 1, the “Different Facets of Teachers’ Teaching Condition” questionnaire was consisted of five factors: “Personal Teaching Function”, “General Teaching Function”, “Teacher Stress”, “School Environment Satisfaction”, and “Teaching Satisfaction”. The questionnaire had good psychometric properties. In Study 2, the “Different Facets of Teachers’ Teaching Condition” questionnaire was administered to 23 teachers to measure their perception of their own teaching performance. In addition, the “Student Life” questionnaire was administered to the students of the 23 teachers to measure their adaptation to stress. According to the results of Study 2, each of the five teaching factors had significant association with students’ evaluations about teachers’ performance. In addition, the results indicated that “Teaching Satisfaction” was the best predictor of students’ stress adaptation. Finally, based on the results of this study, we discussed how to improve teachers’ teaching performance, and ways to strengthen students’ ability to adapt to stress through teaching.


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