  • 學位論文

台灣食品生技廠商之價值創造 ─以中草藥與保健食品為例

Value Creation of the Food Biotechnology Firms in Taiwan – The Case of Chinese Herb and Health Food

指導教授 : 陸怡蕙




Biotechnology industry has hailed as a star industry in 21th century. In order to highlight the features of biotechnology industry in Taiwan, to respond to the growing health concerns and the aging society, we chose food biotechnology closely related to these objectives, making use of the metafrontier method, use identified the from eight firms in the Chinese herb and health food industries combing S-C-P theory and Malmquist productivity index, the targeted find Key Success Factors and competitive edges are examined. The best two firms among the eight firms are Orient Europharma Co. and Grape King Inc. since the primary product of Orient Europharma Co. is infant formula, while the main product of Grape King Inc. is the capsule of ganoderma, we chose the latter to be the object of the case study. It shows that the KSF of Grape King Inc., who the pioneer of popular biotechnology products is. Our results indicate such as red koji and Q10; besides, has been using price and goods strategy and other marketing strategies to take its market share. The competitive edges of the company are due to the staff cultivation, the acquisition of latest technique and the collaboration of with academic institutions. To sum up, the successful strategies of Grape King Inc. does enhance consumer’s interests, and shorten its gap with the core technology. In addition, the accumulation of its research and development capital is one key factor to elevation of productivity.


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