  • 學位論文


From Commemorations to Carnivals: On Emergent Popular-Culture Nationalism in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭阿勤


要描述十年來(1994-2003)台灣國家級活動,新興的跨年晚會不但是政黨輪替的指標儀典 (ceremony),同時也是媒體事件樣版。早期跨年活動的興起,可以說明陳水扁如何辦活動、改變節慶意義來營造政黨輪替氣氛,來取代舊的威權政權。然而,影音工業與媒體的角色漸漸吃重且有主導能力,這一點與台灣更早的國家級儀典或媒體活動相當不同,因此本文企圖以媒體事件的觀念來分析跨年晚會。媒體不但組織新的節慶、製造新的奇觀、紀念不太一樣的歷史事件、更重組集體記憶,形成當代台灣大眾文化國族主義(popular-culture nationalism)的形式。從本文發展的大眾文化國族主義的概念,可以幫助釐清民主/民粹、理性/激情、公民國族/族群國族等常見二元對立概念。


The New Year Eve Party, which was launched by President Chen, is characteristic of Taiwan’s national events during the past decade. It is not only an event marking the first peaceful political transition in Taiwan but also serves as a template for media events. The study of New Year Eve Party can thus throw light upon the way how President Chen organizes parties and festivals with a view to fostering a climate favorable to the transition. This paper attempts to analyze the New Year Eve Party in terms of the concept of “media event”. The media have played a role which they did not assume in the old regime. The media not only organize new festivals, produce new spectacle and historical events but also create new collective memory. All these in turn contribute to the emergent form of “popular-culture nationalism”. With the concept of popular-culture nationalism, this paper suggests, we could go beyond the common conceptual binaries of democracy/populism, rational/emotional, civic/ethnic nationalism.


Carey, J. (1989/1992). Communication as culture : essays on media and society. NY; London: Routlege.
Cressy, D (1989). Bonfires and Bells: National Memory & the Protestant Calendar. Berkeley: University of California Press.
David Underdown, Revel, Riot and Rebellion (1985) chs. 3-5


