  • 學位論文


A Study on Adopting RFID Technology to Model a Real-time Information Sharing System for Wafer Testing Center-The Case Study of C Wafer Testing Company

指導教授 : 陳文華


因應半導體產業技術的快速演變及產業激烈競爭的潮流趨勢,提昇客戶滿意度與降低生產成本,已成為半導體業者無可迴避的重要課題。除了製程能力需達到客戶規格需求外,所提供的客戶資訊服務與生產到交貨的速度,將是取決勝負的關鍵。因此,本研究即針對晶圓測試廠導入RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)無限射頻辨識技術為例來分析、評估RFID導入於晶圓測試廠之實際效益。所探討之個案係利用RFID技術來建構一套即時(Real-Time)製程監控、安全庫位管理、生產流程自動化及上、下游業者間資訊流分享之「即時共通資訊應用」系統,以期能強化時基競爭力(Time-Based Competition),同時落實快速回應的客戶服務,以達成零時差、零延遲、零待機與零庫存的營運目標。 RFID技術具備了可無線資料辨識�收集,並可同時讀取多筆資料…等特性有別於傳統條碼模式,產品的資訊由被動的讀取,改為主動式傳遞資訊,預期能大幅降低作業的疏失及提高產業整體營運績效,被認為是影響未來全球產業發展的重要技術。就半導體產業生產之高精確要求及高複雜度、高產量與長生產週期等特性,正適合導入RFID系統進行管理。目前已知有超過30座晶圓製造廠在使用RFID;然而在後段封測廠尚無實際導入RFID應用之實例。本研究探討之個案運用RFID的特性與功能,將其導入在晶圓測試廠之物流、晶圓測試流程管控及資訊系統的應用模式上;並以建立晶圓測試流程效率化及盡量減少人為疏失為改善目標。 本研究透過與專案負責人及現場資深工程師多次之訪談,溝通彼此對導入RFID技術之理念及釐清現今廠內生產流程運作之盲點;藉由受訪者的經驗及相關文獻的探討剖析,本研究將參考該個案所建置之模擬雛型系統,包含即時資訊系統架構及現場設置架構來評估RFID導入之效益;除評估預期效益外,也經由導入個案廠實作測試,就測試結果與執行障礙進行分析與探討,最後提出結論及具體改善建議方案;盼能提供其它半導體後段廠日後導入RFID前之參考。


Responding to the trends of fast change of semiconductor technique, high competition and promoting customer's satisfaction have already become the most important topics to semiconductor industry. In addition to manufacturing capability, providing customer's information and the speed of manufacture to deliver goods will be the keys of victory. Therefore, this research aims at a wafer test factory. By implementing RFID(Radio Frequency Identification) technique to construct a real-time manufacturing supervision system and real-time common information sharing system across value chains, it will shorten manufacturing cycle time and customer response time to achieve the management goals of zero time lag, zero time delay, zero machine waiting time and zero inventory. The RFID technique had the following characteristics like recognition & collection of wireless data and reading many items in the meantime. To be different from bar code operation mode which reads product information passively, it will actively deliver itself information. We expect to reduce operation failures and increase operation efficiency significantly. RFID is thought to be an important technique which influences the global industry in the near future. For the requests of high precision, high complication, high production and long manufacturing cycle for semiconductor industry, RFID system fits for management requirement. Currently there are more than 30 wafer manufactories who implemented RFID projects; However there is no such RFID project rolled out at wafer test and assembly factories. This research makes use of RFID’s characteristic and function in following areas like logistics, improving process efficiency and reducing human errors by Auto WIP, Auto Setup and E-run card. This research will use one domestic wafer test factory as a case study. Through interviewing the project manager and experienced engineers many times, they share how this project adopts RFID technique to identify and resolve the blind spot of production process inside the present factory; By interviewee’s experience and analysis of the related documents, this research will leverage the current RFID prototype system which includes instant information sharing system and infrastructure to evaluate the benefits of RFID technique. In addition to evaluating benefits, we will analyze the testing result and identify the obstacles of performance. We will put forward conclusion and suggestion for other semi-conductors who will implement RFID projects in the future.


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Chen, D. J. C. (2008). 提升台灣RFID產業競爭力及商機之策略探討 [master's thesis, National Taiwan University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.10619
