  • 學位論文


The syntax and pragmatics of clausal constituents in Tsou discourse

指導教授 : 黃宣範


本研究旨在觀察鄒語語法中,句子裡的主要結構成分,包含詞組(constituent),單詞(words)以及語法標記,在實際口語言談語料的分佈情形,進而探討這些語法成分與標記,在傳達言談訊息時所扮演的角色與功能。 過去文獻關於鄒語語法方面的研究已描繪出鄒語語法構詞結構的輪廓。鄒語語法中特有的語法標記方式,如焦點詞綴,代名詞詞綴,助動詞,時式標記,以及格位標記等。本研究進一步觀察這些語法構詞成分在自然言談語料中發揮的作用。 鄒語名詞在語句中必定伴隨一個名詞前格位標記。此語法標記在鄒語言談中同時扮演有多樣工作。其一,在鄒語語法獨特的焦點系統(本文稱Voice)下,名詞詞組必須以下列兩種標記方式:標記為主格名詞組或標記為斜格名詞組。其二,鄒語的格位標記標示該指涉物與說話者之間的空間距離或是心理距離。這樣的標記指涉物體遠近的標記,幫助說話者及聽者確認該指涉物體在言談文本的敘事空間中,或是對話真實場景裡的相對位置,因此該物體的指涉性(referentiality)或定指性(definiteness)得由對話進行的上下文進一步推論而得。 此外,在鄒語言談文本中,三種名詞的指涉形(referring expression),也就是完整詞彙形(lexical NPs),零形(zero form)及代名詞形,有獨特的分佈模式:代名詞只能代表A或S論元名詞,而完整詞彙在鄒語言談中,不僅用來表示言談進行新出現的new information,也經常用來指涉given information。這種獨特的名詞指涉模式是受到鄒語的構詞語法的限制,因為鄒語代名詞只出現在謂語詞組前面的助動詞。另一方面,依照一般語言言談進行的特性,A/S論元名詞在言談中通常容易一再被提及,換言之,A/S名詞是比較傾向作為言談文本的主題。鄒語語法構詞上,代名詞只用在表示A/S名詞的限制,進一步證實鄒語的言談語用與語法上對訊息處理的安排,有密切的交互作用。鄒語的語法,反映了一般言談行為的實際語用特性。 本文也描述謂語詞組的助動詞的語用分佈情形。鄒語的謂語前助動詞主要用來標記事件的時態。在實際言談文本中,不論是在過去情境或現在情境,最常出現的助動詞是標示近時間距離的助動詞。由此可見,其他語言常見的,運用『近距離時態標記』來標示久遠前發生的事件的,拉近時間點讓事件更生動呈現這種語用上的特殊處置,在鄒語不適用,因為鄒語一向以近距離助動詞標示已實現事件,遠距離助動詞在言談文本,只用來強烈的強調過去和現在已實現事件發生時間點的不同。 接著本文進一步探討Voice (或焦點系統標記)與動詞論元結構間的關係。經過對近百個鄒語動詞的論元結構的觀察,單一鄒語動詞最多有四種Voice結構。這些Voice標記是鄒語特有的標記論元結構的方式。沒有Voice標記時,鄒語動詞只與事件的命題(proposition)語意相關;動詞有了Voice詞綴標記才能指示在有這個動詞的語句裡,其句法結構包含幾個論元,以及那個語意角色的論元名詞應該標記為主格。 最後,本文討論幾種在語料庫以及田野調查筆記觀察到的,在鄒語謂語詞組中擔任『主要動詞』的幾種複雜類型。鄒語『主要動詞』分佈在謂語詞組的最右邊的位置。在鄒語語句中,單一的動詞詞彙不是唯一能擔任謂語中的『主要動詞』的語法成分。我們在語料庫中發現,出現在『主要動詞』位置的有許多不同類型的組合,包括兩個動詞詞彙連結的『主要動詞』,非論元名詞與動詞詞彙組合成特定『主要動詞』,特定詞綴與動詞結合,但改變原動詞的論元結構的『主要動詞』,還有兩個動詞詞彙一起組成一『主要動詞』,但第二個動詞實際上是第一個動詞的補語等。這些特有的不同類型的『主要動詞』,其語意通常也包含複雜的事件結構。而這些『主要動詞』內的各組合成分的之間,也呈現不同的語意連結關係,因此在結構上有不同的呈現方式。


This study concerns various syntactic constituents in Tsou and the roles they play in information transmission in discourse. Since one of the prominent functions of languages has to do with communication between people, we intend to show how the grammar of Tsou serves this function, especially how the grammatical markers in Tsou are recruited for producing and interpreting in talks in interaction. Based on careful examinations to natural discourse data, some frequently co-occurring linguistic elements are grouped as a constituent. Tsou indicative clauses have a rather fixed constituent order: predicate phrase occurs first, and lexical NPs occur on the right of the clauses. The constituents are sedimented patterns composed of various linguistic elements, which have gradually become the grammatical formatives, represent a processing unit for particular in discourse, and further make up clauses in Tsou. Not just identifying these grammatical formatives, this study also show the functions of some grammatical elements in natural discourse. Linguists have not yet reached a consensus on the functions of many grammatical markers in Tsou, like ‘voice’, ‘case markers’, ‘auxiliary verb’, etc. This study provided some discourse-based observations to enhance our understanding on the pragmatic uses of these various grammatical markers. Case markers in Tsou are multi-exponential markers. Given that having a unique grammatical device—voice system operating in clauses of Tsou, all NPs in a clause of Tsou can be divided into two groups: NP marked with nominative markers, and NPs marked with oblique markers. Based on their distribution in texts of natural discourse, the main function of case markers in clauses of Tsou tends to locate the relative distance, either visually/spatially or psychologically, between the speaker and the referents in a text. Aside from locating various spatial and psychological distances, they also serve to certain discourse functions. As for the definiteness and referentiality, case markers do not directly encode the information; whether an NP is definite must be inferred from context. On the other hand, based on careful observations on the corpus of natural discourse, this study also shows that, the occurrences of the three referential expressions (lexical NPs, pronominal forms, and zero) show skewing distributions: pronominals only occur in A role and S role NPs, and lexical NPs in this language are also largely recruited to express activated information. This typological uniqueness can be ascribed to the language-specific morpho-syntactical requirements on the form of referential expression in Tsou discourse: A/S role NPs obligatorily occur in bound pronominals attached to the auxiliary verbs. The morpho-syntactic A/S role constraint in Tsou also regulates the occurrences of discourse topics in a particular position in clauses. NPs in A/S position of clauses tend to be mentioned several times, so as to maintain their high topicality. In addition, animate nouns have priority over inanimate nouns in their ability to assume the A/S roles. In light of this, the syntax and pragmatics of Tsou can be treated as mutually affecting each other, and thus reflects a discourse universal that a discourse topic tends to be in A/S roles in clauses. This study also shows the pragmatic use of auxiliary verbs in Tsou discourse. The auxiliary verbs in Tsou encode TAM information of events. Their distributions in discourse attest that using proximate auxiliary verbs in Tsou clauses is the prototypical use, not a pragmatic manipulation for special effects like historical present. Moreover, this study shows how voice has to do with the argument structure of the verbs in Tsou. The syntactic valence of verbs in Tsou has at most four voice alternatives, signaling different ways of syntactic marking on the argument NPs. The semantic nature of a verb in Tsou only gives propositional context of an event; it is one’s knowledge of the voice alternatives that tells how the argument NPs of a verb are syntactically realized. Lastly, this study shows different types of ‘main verb’ in Tsou found in the corpus of natural discourse and fieldwork notes. In Tsou, what the ‘main verb’ constituent in a clause is made of is quite complex. Not only verbs may occur as the main verb, it is also possible for multiple linguistic forms working together revealing a single clausal reading to function as the main verb in clauses. Semantically, these various structures of a main verb encode complicated event structures. The semantic relation between each element in such complicated verb phrases includes an event with its modifying expressions (in portmanteau verbs), reason or cause of an event (in synthesized verbs), an action and its non-referential affectee (in noun-incorporated verb phrase), serialized actions (juxtaposed verb pairs), etc. These verb phrases may go through different kinds of morpho-syntactic operations.


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