  • 學位論文


Processing “Hakka”:Sabah from Local and Transnational Perspectives

指導教授 : 謝世忠


本研究以馬來西亞沙巴州的客家華人為中心,以社團組織及跨國網絡的角度探討自1880年代至今,沙巴客家社會的建立過程,以及今日客家社群的形貌展現。沙巴客家社會的建立源自十九世紀末期,因為中國政治經濟情勢發展,並伴同英國商人對沙巴的殖民開發背景,中國廣東的客家人的南洋移民浪潮。其中有透過巴色差會(Basel Mission)管道前來的客家基督徒,及各項配合英商渣打公司(British North Borneo Chartered Company)開發計畫的而引進的客家人。這些人建構了沙巴華人社會的主體。1940年代源自中國的客家族群知識傳遞到沙巴後,以客家為名的社團組織逐漸在沙巴建立,扮演著團結客家人及傳遞客家族群知識的角色。1960後,沙巴客家社團及以客家教會都面臨了組織上的變動。在面對馬來西亞建國的新情勢下,為了團結以爭取我群在新國家之中的權益,各地密集成立客家社團,並逐漸出現以聯合馬來西亞國內所有同屬社團的聯合性組織,架構起馬來西亞客家網絡。於此同時,原根植於沙巴客家社群的巴色教會,在宣教對象及組織發展上,開始走出客家、走出馬來西亞,將非客家、非華人群體包含在其宣教事業中,展現其普世宗教的特色。在全球化時代下,客家社團與教會均建立起跨國客家社團網絡及跨國客家教會網絡,並積極實踐著各自的組織目標。透過跨國網絡的觀察與分析可以看出,跨國客家網絡立基於政治與經濟的基礎,以及其中所展示出的階級現象。巴色教會宣教版圖擴張的發展中,也可看見其以客家族群文化親緣性為方法所進行的與中國原鄉的再連結行動。晚近,客家社團及教會這兩種屬性的組織,在進入21世紀後開始在關於客家族群文化知識論述上有了交集,並逐漸顯露出本土化論述的傾向。


This research focuses on the Hakka Chinese in Sabah, Malaysia, to explore the establishment of Hakka society and its manifestation of the Hakka community from the perspectives of social organization and transnational network. Sabah Hakka society was founded in late nineteenth century due to Chinese political and economic development in the backdrop of British businessmen’s colonial development in Sabah as well as the Cantonese Hakka’s massive migration flow into the South China Sea. Among the immigrants were Hakka Christians who came along with Basel Mission as well as Hakka people according to the development project of British North Borneo Chartered Company. These people constructed the main body of Sabah Chinese society. In the 1940s, ethnic knowledge of Hakka people originating from China was passed down to Sabah. Various Hakka societies were gradually established in Sabah, playing the role to unite the Hakka and to pass on the Hakka ethnic knowledge. After 1960, the Sabah Hakka society and the Hakka church both faced to certain structural change. In order to strive for own society’s rights and interests in the face of a new founding nation, Malaysia, Hakka societies were intensively set up in various areas and gradually formed a united national organization, thus a Malaysian Hakka network was set up. At the same time, the Basel Christian Church of Malaysia, which was originally rooted in the Sabah Hakka community, began to move out of Hakka and Malaysia to embrace for non-Hakka and non-Chinese groups to show its universal religious characteristics. In the globalization era, the Hakka society and church have established and actively practiced their transnational goals as Hakka societies and missionary network respectively. Through close observation and analysis of transnational networks, the political and economic based transnational Hakka network and its class phenomenon is thus revealed. From the expansion of Basel Christian Church of Malaysia, we can also see the Hakka ethnic re-connection movement with Chinese native land. The most recent trend is that, in the 21st century, the Hakka society and Hakka church began to intersect with respect to cultural knowledge of Hakka ethnic groups, and gradually manifest the tendency towards localization.


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2007 The Formation and Limitation of Hakka Identity in Southeast Asia. Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 4(1): 3-28.
2009 Is there a Transnational Hakka Identity? Examining Hakka Youth Ethnic Consciousness in Malaysia. Taiwan Journal of Southeast Asian Studies 6(1): 49-80.
2003〈客家話講古仔比賽 拿篤首創〉。《亞洲時報》2003年6月18日。


