  • 學位論文

台灣虛擬購物產業營運模式現況與未來發展 —以U公司為個案研究

The Business Model and the Future Development of Taiwan Virtual Shopping Industry – A Case Study of U Company

指導教授 : 吳琮璠


本論文的研究目的,希望藉由完整的產業分析架構,探討整體虛擬購物產業現況、營運模式、產業結構與市場發展趨勢,並佐以相關產業競爭力分析,以清楚明瞭整體台灣虛擬購物產業所面臨的產業競爭態勢與相關產業競爭策略,進而掌握重要的關鍵性成功因素,維持產業發展的競爭優勢,以因應競爭激烈的產業環境。 本報告以台灣的虛擬購物產業為研究對象,探討虛擬購物產業結構與發展趨勢,及相關業者的經營策略研究。並以2010年後跨過進入障礙而加入電視購物經營之U公司為例探討新公司於虛擬購物產業的營運模式與未來發展。 U公司營運模式屬於全通路(omni-channel)營運模式,涵蓋了電視、電子商務、型錄與電話行銷等通路,並將供應商到客戶端的供應鏈透過資金流、物流、商品流、資訊流整合為一個完整的價值體系,未來更積極朝跨境及跨產業的全球性市場發展,為消費者建構一個全方位的購物平台與服務體驗。 根據本研究,未來台灣虛擬購物的發展除了受到主管機關(NCC) 「頻道執照申請」的影響,也將受到、「全通路零售」、「零售數位化」、「跨境電子商務」、「第三方支付」等趨勢影響,將對整體產業結構會產生重要的改變,政府法規法令對產業均產生不小的衝擊,台灣未來的虛擬購物市場亦有賴法令之鬆綁,才得以與紅色供應鏈相抗衡。


The research purpose of this study, via the complete industry analysis framework, intends to explore the business model, the industry structure and the market development trends of the entire virtual shopping industry, and is complemented by the relative industry competition analysis so as to comprehend clearly the competitiveness situation being faced by the entire virtual shopping industry of Taiwan and the competitiveness strategy of the relative industry. Then, it is to hold the important key factors of success and maintain the competitive advantages of the industrial development so as to cope with the crucial competition industry environment. The study object of this report is the virtual shopping industry in Taiwan. It probes the structure and the development trend of the virtual shopping industry, and the business strategies research of the related industry. Moreover, this study selects U company, who crossed the entry barrier and has engaged in the business of TV shopping since year 2010, as the research example to discover the business model and future development for a new company in the virtual shopping industry. The business model of U company belongs to full path (Omni-channel) business model, including TV, E-commerce, catalog and telephone marketing channels. U company, through capital flow, logistics, commodity flow and IT flow, integrates the supply chain from supplier to client into a complete value system. In the future, U company will be more positive towards the global development of the cross-border and cross-industry to build up a full range of shopping platform and service experience for the consumer. According to this study, the future development of the virtual shopping in Taiwan, in addition to the channel permit application of the administration authority(NCC), it also will be affected by the trends of “Omni-channel retail”, “the digitalized retail”, “the cross-border E-commerce”, “the third-party payment” and etc.. The significant change will arise in the entire structure of industry. The impact of the law and regulation of the government is no small. To be capable to compete with the red-supply chain, the virtual shopping market of Taiwan in the future depends on the release of the law and regulation of the government.


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