  • 學位論文

專業人士在勞動市場中規律與混亂的事業軌跡: 近代歐洲職業足球員社會地位流動

Orderly and chaotic career trajectories in professional labor markets: Player status movements in the contemporary labor market in European football

指導教授 : 蘇國賢


雖然隨著知識經濟日漸受到重視,針對「專業人士的勞動市場」的相關研究益發重要,但大部分事業理論(career theory)的文獻,仍以內部勞動市場 (internal labor market) 及計畫導向勞動市場(project-based labor market) 為主要研究對象,前者多為結構嚴明的官僚體系,後者則是較鬆散、無穩定結構的市場;專業勞動市場在性質上,則介於二者之間。本博士論文提出一個強調結構與歷史的模型,用以分析在具高流動性的專業勞動市場中,專業人士的事業發展。 在專業人士的勞動市場中,因為一個有規律且具一致性的事業軌跡,能展現該名專業人士的社會地位確實隨著工作變換持續穩定提升,這樣的事業發展軌跡會被視為對其專業能力肯定的正面指標;相反的,一個不具規律,且職務地位時上時下的事業軌跡,會被視為負面指標,進而阻礙該名專業人士事業的發展性。 本論文的實證分析專注在近代歐洲職業足球勞動市場中專業球員的事業發展,並提出專業勞動市場的流動結構,有助於專業人士在兩個較接近的社會地位間移動,而距離太大的社會地位變遷則較為少見;在這種流動結構中,成功的專業人士會展現出具規律且具一致性的事業軌跡,較不成功者的事業軌跡則相較不規律。 事業軌跡不只反映專業人士過去社會地位的變動,更會影響他們未來事業的發展。在近代歐洲職業足球市場中,那些過去事業軌跡不規律的球員,換工作機率相對低,就算成功得到新工作,在提升社會地位的過程中也會遇到許多阻礙。然而,這種事業軌跡對於球員事業發展所造成的負面影響,也會隨著球員在勞動市場中位置(position)差異而有不同程度的影響力,換句話說,球員在勞動市場中的社會地位、球員對球隊的重要性、以及球員所處的事業發展階段等因素,均會相應有不同程度的負面影響。


Even though an increasing number of people are employed within professional labor markets, most theories of career development provide little insight into careers in mobile and flexible professional labor markets which fall in between the highly structured internal labor markets and the project-based labor markets devoid of any structure. To study career development in professional labor markets, this dissertation revises the structural and historical model of career development within field theory to specify a cyclical process in which the career trajectory of workers is both a result of prior movements through the status structure of the market and an input for subsequent career development. In this cyclical process, workers who moved between similar status positions develop orderly career lines. These orderly careers are interpreted favorably as a coherent story about how professional workers moved through the field to cultivate their skills, and consequently drive subsequent career development to more rewarding positions in the market. The empirical chapters of this dissertation study the labor market in contemporary European professional football and show that the opportunity structure for mobility in this labor market facilitates both upwards and downwards movements across limited status distances. In this labor mobility structure, successful workers are characterized by orderly careers with movements between similar positions in the status hierarchy, while less successful professionals develop more chaotic career trajectories by moving up and down between disparate status positions. These orderly and chaotic career trajectories also influence subsequent career development. More specifically, workers on chaotic career lines are less likely to move and experience less beneficial labor mobility outcomes. However, this negative effect of chaotic careers is not uniform throughout the market, but is moderated by the status position of workers, their rank within their firm, and their career stage. This indicates that while orderly careers with coherent stories about how workers moved through the field’s social structure shape subsequent career development, what exactly counts as a coherent story is contingent on the position of professional workers within the field, their organization, and their career.


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