  • 學位論文


An Optimization Framework for Overproducing Chemicals In Microbial Systems

指導教授 : 陳誠亮


本研究採用最適化模型以及化學計量矩陣來描述微生物系統中,過量生產酒精跟乳酸的問題。化學計量矩陣在描述通量平衡上相當有用,最適化模型則用來判斷操控策略的效率;同時,生物上的限制式也須一併考慮進最適化模型裡,因此我們可以得到操控策略下最佳的產率,同時伴隨最大生物量產率,大部分的策略可以達到90%以上的最大理論產率,而且也可求得其對應的通量分布。 同時,我們發現系統中的強度調節參數會影響產物產率,當其值越大時,產率也越高。當操控策略與強度調節參數都決定後,我們可將其應用在批次反應器中模擬,並觀察細菌的表現情況。


代謝工程 代謝網路 最適化


This research adopt some optimizationmodels and stoichiometric matrix to formulate the problem of overproducing alcohol and lactic acid in microbial system. Stoichiometric matrix is useful for describing the flux balance and optimization model determines the efficiency of manipulation reactions. At the same time, some biological constraints have to be included into the optimization problem, and we can get promising results which are close to real bio-systems. Consequently, we find the optimal solution accomplishing the maximum solution of biomass yield. Most strategies can get more than 90% of the maximum theoretical yield, and the flux distribution can be also determined. We also find that the value of the regulation strength parameter would affect the production yield. When the value of regulation strength parameter increases, we can get a higher yield. The proposed strategies are applied to batch reactor, and the performance of the bacteria could be observed.


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