  • 學位論文


A Study of Major Issues Related to Taiwan's Urban Renewal Act

指導教授 : 陳新民


都市更新為促進都市土地有計畫之再開發利用,復甦都市機能、改善居住環境、增進公共利益,具有高度之公益性及必要性。我國都市更新條例自民國87年實施以來,歷經了8次修生,期間並因「文林苑」爭議事件,導致各方檢討都更條例之適法性及合憲性問題,之後司法院大法官作成釋字第709號解釋,並宣告都市更新條例部分條文違憲後,行政院及各立法委員陸續提出都市更新條例修正草案,以解決目前實施都更條例所面臨之議題。 因此,本文主要研究以都市更新條例之相關規範為出發點,並蒐集近年行政法院判決加以歸納,討論現行都市更新制度上所發生之相關問題,及發現實務判決中對都市更新訴訟中衍生問題之思考脈絡為何,以及針對這些問題解決方案。最後對都市更新條例修正草案有所建議及評析。盼能確切地掌握我國都市更新制度問題之癥結所在,指摘現行法令規章之缺失,提出建議,作為今後政府修法或解釋相關法令之參考,俾我國都市更新制度更臻健全,以促進都市土地有計畫之再開發利用,復甦都市機能,改善居住環境。


Urban renewal means to promote well-planned urban land re-development, revitalize urban functions, improve living environments and increase public interest, which is with high level of public interests and necessity. Since implemented in 1998, the Urban Renewal Act in Taiwan has been revised for 8 times. During the implementing period, the demolition event of Wenlinyuan has generated arguments about its legitimacy and constitutionality from all sectors of society. After that, along with Council of Grand Justices has made J.Y. Interpretation No. 709 and said partial articles of Urban Renewal Act unconstitutional Shall become void , the Execute Yuan and members of the Legislative Yuan proposed a series of amendment drafts of Urban Renewal Act, to resolve current issues faced in Urban Renewal Act implementing. Therefore in this article, based on the related regulations of Urban Renewal Act, we collect and summarize current judgments issued by administrative court to make discussion of related problems of current urban renewal system, and discover thinking context for derivational problems from urban renewal lawsuits in practical judgment and their resolutions. Finally we raise some suggestions and comments on amendment drafts of the Urban Renewal Act. We expect to understand exactly the crux of the problems in urban renewal system and accuse the legal deficiency on current laws and regulations; we will propose suggestions as laws amendment or explanations references for the government, to improve the urban renewal system in Taiwan as well as promote well-planned urban land re-development, revitalize urban functions, and improve living environments.


5.林明鏘,都市更新之公共利益-兼評司法院大法官釋字第 709 號解釋,台灣法學雜誌,第227期,2013年7月1日。
