  • 學位論文


The Research for Data Transmission and Test of Wireless Monitoring System for Bridge Management

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


目前橋梁監測系統主要是透過有線傳輸的方式,將監測資訊傳至遠端進行橋梁安全監控,然而對於動輒數百公尺的橋梁而言,系統設置成本將隨傳輸距離增加而上升,且系統建置完成後的擴充性也相對較低,因此研究團隊使用無線感測網路(Wireless Sensor Network, WSN)結合感測器進行橋梁的微振動監測,透過傳回的監測資訊即時評估橋梁的安全性;而本研究為針對研究團隊裝設於現地的無線感測節點無法持續運作之問題進行測試,由無線感測網路中最底層的感測器、感測電路板、傳輸模組、無線網路受干擾、資料傳輸量到資料庫的接收程式,進行一連串軟硬體的開發與測試,找出現地無線感測網路無法運作之原因為無線感測網路設備無法負擔過大的資料傳輸量與應用時可能受到干擾,經過本研究改良後使該監測系統可正常運作於現地橋梁。 研究中的另一個部分為在水工試驗場模擬橋梁受到水流的沖刷作用,並根據現地的設備配置情形將改良後的感測節點安裝於縮尺模型上,進行無線監測系統的穩定測試,同時模擬橋墩在河道中受水流沖刷導致沖刷深度改變而發生傾倒破壞,量測縮尺模型在不同沖刷深度下的振動資料,作為研究團隊評估現地橋梁安全性的參考。


The study use Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) to monitor the vibration of bridges, so that the evaluation of the bridge security can be performed immediately. The data of the bridge monitoring system are mainly transmitted to remote server by fixed cable for a long-term monitoring in the past. However, the cost of the system establishment will be rose with increasing transmission distance for easily hundreds of meters of bridges, and the scalability of the system is relatively lower than that of the wireless system. This study adjusts and tests the WSN which cannot work installed on the site to make sure that WSN transmission system can work stably, and the content of adjustment includes acceleration sensor, sensor board, transmission module, interference source, the amount of data transmission, and software. The other part of this study is the hydraulic experiment which is scaled-down the actual bridge size, and the improved node of the WSN is installed on the pier to test the stability of the system. In the scour process with the increase of the scour depth, the monitoring system returns vibration data from the pier due to different scouring conditions. In the future, research group could establish the warning standards of bridges on the site based on these experiment data.


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