  • 學位論文


The Political Economy Of the Taiwan’s Free Economic Pilot Zone Program

指導教授 : 蕭全政


臺灣為海島型開放經濟,天然資源匱乏,對外經貿關係是其生存與發展的命脈。面對資源的限制、生存與發展的機會,執政者以國際化、自由化為主軸,分階段地採取向外經濟發展策略,得以突破各種內外部限制。自由化有利於經濟發展的經驗,標註於過去臺灣每一次自由化的歷程。 2008年國民黨重新執政,除了積極恢復與大陸中斷十年的協商,簽訂《兩岸經濟合作架構協議》( Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,以下簡稱ECFA);馬英九政府啟動「黃金十年,國家願景」,2012年規劃設置「自由經濟示範區 ( Free Economic Pilot Zone,以下簡稱示範區 )」。 自2007年起,中國當局強調要突破固有經濟模式之困境,引進市場機制,為中國經濟發展尋找新的出路,中國國務院同時於2013年8月批准成立上海自由貿易試驗區 (Shanghai Piolt Free Trade Zone),2015年增設天津、廣東、福建自由貿易試驗區。 臺灣執政者面對內外的問題與挑戰,再次啟動一波自由化,並將臺灣重新定位為自由經濟島,迎合未來加入TPP或RCEP自由貿易協定的條件,因而規劃了自由經濟示範區方案。然而卻引發諸多爭議,最後竟未能通過立法。 本文爰依「歷史結構途徑」、「政治經濟整合」及「偏差」和「偏差動員」為分析觀點與架構,透過梳理這些重大自由化政策與兩岸經貿互動的政經結構歷史脈絡,探討「自由經濟示範區」的形成、運作到立法失利的成因,同時觀察中國自貿區的布局對臺灣有何影響,並探究其中的因果關聯,最後歸納這些因素與影響對於未來兩岸經貿的機會與限制。 本文聚焦於臺灣近三十年來、不同政黨執政期間,重大自由化政策規劃背景及其內容,除了探究臺灣自由經濟示範區方案的形成、運作及立法過程,並探討中國自貿區的策略,對兩岸互動加以分析之後作成結論:1.自貿區是向全球開放,避免過度集中單一市場;2.及早因應巨型貿易協定的影響;3.產業轉型以全球化、知識化、優質化以提高產值;透過自貿區引進新興產業,以投資、內需帶動經濟成長;4.兩岸自貿區可能帶動新一波產業發展或轉型 5.執政者應以國家(地方)長期利益優先於短期政黨利益,公民力量似可能成為制衡中央(地方)執政者偏差的第三種力量。


From a historical perspective, Taiwan’s economic policy and its periodical evolutions had generated remarkable economic performance that made itself well known as “Economic Miracle “ in past 30 years. Based on export-led growth strategy to promote development and active Cross-Straits’s trading in recent years, Taiwan has gained impressive economic growth but producing severe institutional imbalance and income disparity. Furthermore, Taiwan has been isolated from regional economic integration due to China’s political claim that Taiwan is a province of China rather than a legitimate sovereign state. In order to participate regional economic integration and to meet fierce trade competition, Taiwan Free Economic Pilot Zone (FEPZ) Program has been announced by President Ma in January 2012. The program is to provide a testing ground in which the policymaker can experiment with economic reforms to be rolled out nationwide. Meanwhile, China’s dramatic economic growth has delivered impressive welfare gains but also suffering structural imbalances so that the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone (SFTZ) was launched in August 2013 which lead a structural economic reform to come. In addition to SFTZ, Tianjin, Guangdong, Fujian has been set up in March 2015. The purpose of Taiwan’s FEPZ program aims to transform Taiwan to a whole Free Trade Zone by starting a wave of liberalization of regulations but it has caused a lot of controversy then failed through legislation. This thesis is based on “historical perspective”, combing through “political and economic integration” approach, with views of “bias” and “mobilization of bias" to analyze the factors influent policymaker’s stand while making decision, as well as to explore the political and economic caracteristics during the procedure of policy making. Such influences and interactions might be constraint or opportunity to Cross-Straits future’s cooperation. The conclusion includes 1. Taiwan’s Free Trade Zone is open to the global market. 2. The opportunity to develop new market such as Asian emerging economies to reduce dependence on single market. 3. Confront and prepare for TPP and RCEP. 4. The global economy is in transition to the Information Age led by innovation. The transition requires the rules and practices that determined success in the industrial economy which need rewriting in an interconnected, globalized economy where knowledge resources such as trade secrets and expertise are as critical as other economic resources. FEPZ could be a platform by introducing high value added services or green economic industry to attract foreign direct investment. 5.Cross-Straits free trade zones might play the role to lead a industrial reform in new decade. Policymaker should have the thinking onto prioritizing the resources and put national interest at first place. Civil society could be the third power to balance KMP and DPP party in Taiwan.


田澤隆史(Tazawa Takashi),2006,〈經濟特區與其演變進化〉,《國家發展研究》 5(2):95-136。
