  • 學位論文


Experience of Employment among Battered Women in Taitung

指導教授 : 劉淑瓊


家庭暴力防治法於104年2月修正通過,將經濟虐待納入家庭暴力範疇。研究指出,經濟虐待的形成與婦女經濟依賴性息息相關,而就業是突破婦女經濟依賴性的重要因素。然而,臺東地區具地理、社會與經濟特殊性,當婦女外出就業時,對她們的家庭暴力會有何影響?就業機會與就業選擇又是什麼樣貌? 本研究採質性研究取向,透過立意取樣的方式,共訪談了四位婦女與四位社工,研究發現相對人收入可能不足以負擔家計,婦女常需要政府的福利資格與非營利組織的經濟資源協助,同時婦女需要外出就業來共同分攤家計,並非完全無收入者,甚至可能成為家中主要收入來源。就業過程中,有些婦女能發展出抗衡相對人暴力的能力,卻也有婦女因為傳統家庭觀念而選擇繼續忍讓相對人。不過因為債務、在地就業結構、就業資訊缺乏、有限的在地資源,以及沉重的子女照顧費用等因素影響,其工作收入亦可能不足以負擔生活,因而需要更多財務知能的輔助來穩定經濟生活。 因此,依據研究發現提出若干建議:婦女個人層面需要強化財務知能;社工處遇層面可嘗試提昇社工自身的金融知識,並以婦女日常生活為出發,討論個別化的經濟議題,增強其經濟權能感;機構層面則是可以協助社工發展與培養金融性社會工作的概念;地方政府層面則是需要拓展子女照顧資源、倡導勞動條件與勞動環境的改善。


Domestic Violence Prevention Act was enacting and promulgating in February 2015, and it included economic abuse in new act. Research suggests that economic abuse is linked to economic dependency of women, and employment is the important element to address it. Nevertheless, Taitung is unique in geography, society, and economic. If battered women in Taitung want to find jobs, would it influence domestic violence? How the job opportunity and job choice will they face? Research design is primarily based on qualitative method, including in-depth interviews. The study finds that most battered women in Taitung need to work because perpetrator’s income cannot afford life. Some women are even to be the breadwinner and find that they can against violence, but some women still stay in the violence because of the traditional family value. However, because of the local employment structure, debt, lack of employment information, limited local resource and large cost on child care, women’s income also cannot afford life. They usually need social welfare and economic assistance. Most of all, they also need to learn more financial capability to make the economic life steady. According to research findings, there are some implications for battered women, social worker, social service agency and local government. We need to strength battered women’s financial capability, so does social worker. Social worker should discuss economic matter by individual to achieve women’s economic empowerment. Social service agency should assistant social workers to develop and train financial social work. Local government should expand child care resource and advocate for labor standards and labor environment improvement.


林姹君(2008)。婚姻受暴婦女就業需求之評估-以高雄市為例。高雄市政府社 會局研究報告。
