  • 學位論文


Participatory Institutional Design for Post-Representative Democracy: A Case Study of the Referendum for the Approval of Casino in Taiwan

指導教授 : 趙永茂


「後代議民主」(post-representative democracy)是近年來在學術與實務領域中新興的重要議題。後代議民主係對於代議制民主所造成的政府效率不彰、議會監督無力、政商合流把持公共議題、政黨對於民主發展的怠惰;以及當前代議民主國家普遍面臨的投票率日趨低落、代議權限被非民選的專業官僚或司法體系所介入替代、國際整合(如歐盟)的需要或國外霸權的強迫所造成議會職能不彰,與代議民主於實務向政商有權者傾斜,而忽略了代議民主應為公民代議或社會代議的本旨等情形的反思,並提出對代議民主未來的想望,也就是一種基於對當代代議制民主無法解決實務問題,從而找尋未來完美代議體制的努力,其主要共通的論點即在參與的深化。在政治學及行政學等學科領域,都在談公民參與、參與治理、參與式民主理論(包括商議民主、公民投票)等,到底何種參與制度是未來後代議民主所需呈現,且最能補充代議民主之不足呢?。 本研究以2009年9月26日在澎湖舉行「澎湖要不要設置國際觀光度假區附設觀光賭場」的公民投票,以及2012年7月7日在連江縣舉行「馬祖是否設置國際觀光度假區附設觀光賭場」的公民投票為個案,分析我國當前法制以公民投票作為解決離島博弈政策問題的公民參與機制之妥適性。在前述問題意識下,本研究首先針對代議到後代議民主的發展趨勢,以及參與民主、強勢民主、公民投票、商議民主等理論構面進行「文獻資料」等次級資料的研究,以期確定既有的研究成果。繼而進行我國政策各階段公民參與制度之研究,以及觀光賭場產業政策的基本環境,包括:全球觀光賭場設置之現況、政策形成方式與發展趨勢,以及我國觀光賭場產業政策之歷史脈絡與法制規範等之分析,以作為個案研究之基礎。 主要研究發現計有12項,包括:一、受訪者對於我國當前代議民主的現況,均肯認代議民主仍為當前民主政治的制度主流;並對於現行代議民主的表現普遍認為「不滿意」;在對後代議民主未來的想法與期望,則呈現多元競逐的現象。二、在釐清阻礙及促進公民參與的因素方面,「公共性」、「誘因」、「資訊公開程度」、「政府立場」及「媒體角色」等,具有影響公民參與意願的雙面效果性。三、在政策形成、合法化與執行過程中,現行法制所提供之公民參與管道,已可滿足多數需求,惟如欲擴大公民參與,尚有許多改善措施。四、「商議民主理論運作形式」及「商議結論與政策聯結」尚無法制化之必要,惟如從促進公民參與的觀點來看,似宜建立公民參與的共識與決策產出之間的連結。五、對於個案所涉《觀光賭場管理條例》(草案)及其各子法制定過程之公民參與程序的具體參與經驗,多數持正面肯定之意見,其中對於資訊公開透明揭露的要求,呈現相當的一致性。六、《觀光賭場管理條例》草案的資料蒐集與法案條文草擬事宜,委託外包予民間的法律事務所,並無違法及不當之疑慮。七、解決爭議性的公共政策問題時,在一定前提下,正反雙方容有進行知識轉化的可能。八、當精英專業理性與常民情感認知產生衝突時,其進行衝突轉化達成合作的方式,以訴諸精英專業理性之可行性較高,但是必須輔以政策行銷、說明等以強化溝通,且衝突轉化係經領導者精密思考設計規劃的結果。九、對於我國整體觀光博弈產業政策之看法及設置場域之抉擇,目前法令雖以開放離島為標的,但在整體政策擘劃上呈現參環捨取的競爭困境。十、對於我國是否「開放離島設置觀光博弈度假區」之議題,我國目前採用公民投票的方式,為多數受訪者所肯定。十一、2009年澎湖博弈公投與2012年馬祖博弈公投2個個案,在「地方政府介入程度」、「公教人員支持取向」、「媒體中立與否」、「促賭方之形象良窳」、「財團介入之有無」、「全國性與地方性反賭團體的關係」等6個面向呈現強烈對比。十二、個案環境議題呈現「非營利組織」、「媒體記者」及「地方人士」(公民社會)支持環保優先;「博弈廠商」(市場)及「政府機關(地方政府)」支持開發主義的競爭結構。作者於文末提出對於我國後代議民主參與制度之設計芻議,並希冀上述研究成果能有助於我國的民主發展。


“Post-Representative Democracy” has recently become a prominent concept in both theories and practices of politics. Despite its many strengths, representative democracy has been faulted for government inefficiency, weak parliamentary oversight, public issues dominated by business and political elite, apathy of marginalized electorate, expert government, supranational government, judicial government and other problems. This research considers why in representative democratic countries politics is often heavily influenced by government and business representation, and much less by the interests of civil society. In disciplines such as political science and public administration, there have been plenty of discussions of citizen participation and participatory governance, including forms of deliberative democracy, referendum, etc.. In this research, I ask the following question: What kind of participatory form will be required in the post-representative democracy, which can complement representative democracy best? This study examines two referendum cases to analyze the appropriateness of current regulations to apply referendum as a solution to decide whether to approve the construction of casino resorts in islands or not. In 2009, shortly after the passing of the Offshore Islands Development Act, the residents of the Penghu Islands became the first to hold a referendum on the establishment of a local casino. The residents rejected the casino-resort plan. In 2012, the residents of the Matsu Islands voted in favor of allowing the construction of a casino on the islands, surpassing the 50% rate of support required for such a proposal to be passed. In order to examine the cases, the author first conducted a literature review on research regarding to the trends of post-representative democracy, participatory democracy, strong democracy, referendum and deliberative democracy and so as to identify the most updated research achievements in this field. Then the author studied the various stages of citizen participation in the policy process, as well as the overall policy environment for tourism casino industry to form the basis for these case studies. The study revealed twelve major results. First, in most understandings of representative democracy, interviewees perceive that representative democracy is still the mainstream of democratic political system. For the current performance of representative democracy, interviewees generally consider the performance “not satisfied”. For the future of post-representative democracy, interviewees are divergent toward the future. Second, in aspects of the factors that hinder or promote citizen participation, such as “publicness”, “incentives”, “open data”, “the attitude of government” and the “role of the media”, show crucial impact on the willingness or unwillingness of citizens to participate. Third, in the policy formation, legitimation and implementation process, existing laws and orders that facilitate citizen participation can meet the needs of most people, but if people want to expand citizen participation, there is still much room for improvement. Fourth, the mode of operation of deliberative democracy and the relations between the consensus of deliberation and policy results, are not yet necessary to be legalized, but if people want to promote citizen participation, it is necessary to build the connection between deliberative consensus and policy results. Fifth, the citizen participation in the policy process of “Tourism Casino Control Act” (bill) and its sub-laws (bill), the majority of comments are positive affirmation. For the requirements of open data and information transparency, the results demonstrate considerable consistency. Sixth, commissioning data collection for “Tourism Casino Control Act”, its sub-laws, and law drafting to private law firm is legal and proper. Seventh, when dealing with controversial issues of public policy, knowledge transformation is possible for both sides under certain premises. Eighth, when facing the conflict between elite’s professional rationale and emotions of ordinary people, appealing to professional rationale provides higher feasibility to facilitate cooperation, but this must be complemented by proper marketing of a policy and other means, so as to strengthen the communication. This kind of conflict transformation needs precise thinking and design derived from policy entrepreneurs. Ninth, for the overall tourism and gaming industry policy and the choice of location, although the current policy set the outlying islands as target, the overall policy still has controversial issues on three different directions. Tenth, the majority of respondents agreed the use of referendum in our country to decide on the matter of tourism casino. Eleventh, in the cases of 2009 and 2012 referendums in Penghu and Matsu, “the degree of involvement of local government”, “the attitude of civil servants and teachers”, “media-neutral”, “the image of pro-gambling side”, “support from casino developers”, “the relationship between national and local anti-gambling groups,” show many contrasts. Twelfth, in the environmental issues, the case presents two counter parts. Nonprofit organization, media reporter and local people (civil society) support environmental protection; however casino developers and local government support the development doctrine. In the end, the author proposes a participatory institutional design for post-representative democracy and expects that these research results provide contribution to our country’s democratic development.


石凌霜,2011,〈公民投票違反共和(主義)原則?-從政治思想史角度回應相關觀點〉,《北商學報》,20: 205 -220。


