  • 學位論文


Analysis to Content Marketing Strategy: In the Case of Floral Retailing Industry

指導教授 : 黃麗君


社群媒體已成為花店業者經營顧客關係的新趨勢,但花卉業者應用社群媒體行銷的成效不一,業者對社群媒體的效益亦存疑,為使花店業者能更加有策略地運用社群媒體以達成行銷成效,故本研究目的為:1.探討業者經營花店臉書專頁現況及看法;2.現今花店臉書貼文內容及媒體格式引起粉絲回應的優劣;3. 分析花店臉書專頁粉絲的人口特性,以增進目標族群運用,本研究透過對13家花店臉書經營者的訪談了解花店業者經營臉書專頁的看法及現況,使用Graph API語言獲取24家包裝花店一年內的貼文內容及其14,167名花店社群按讚、留言及分享粉絲之人口特徵(性別、年齡、愛情關係、居住地及好友數),並使用質性內容分析、Welch’s單因子變異數分析及Games-Howell事後比較方法及描述性統計進行結果分析。研究結果發現,業者多數無法投入資源於經營粉絲團的內容行銷,且多半將臉書視為一種廣告工具,在內容面的回應數差異分析中,普遍來說,產品介紹、節日關懷及顧客感謝類的貼文其消費者回應數明顯地高於消費者教育、娛樂性訊息及作品分享等內容的貼文;媒體格式以照片及影片的回應數最高,顯現出花店依賴多媒體的產業特性,研究給予業者多元思考空間,從經營者面及消費者喜愛的內容發現業者除了檢視自身經營臉書的心態並精進與顧客之間的互動之外,更可以針對內容經營及消費者族群做更精細的行銷,此外,透過粉絲好友數研究而出的回應行為病毒行銷效果亦讓現有的社群行銷策略更加完善,期望能夠使花卉產業的社群行銷更加成功。


In latest years, floral retailers’ involvement on social media play a dominant role in customer base management. Yet the best solutions for social marketing are still unknown, limiting to the realm of practical practices for retailer’s social media strategy. This study focus on social media managers’ view, Facebook posts contents and fans landscape to give a whole and more precise social media strategy application. Through deep interviews and Graph API language. This study interviewed 13 floral retailers about their view to social media management, analyzed consumer engagement from 1,629 post contents from 24 florists Facebook fan pages by their content type and media type and studied 14,167 fans who liked, commented and shared from Facebook fan pages by means of Content analysis, Welch’s ANOVA, Games-Howell post hoc comparison and basic descriptive statistics. Results showed that floral retailers should put more efforts on customer care, not only just for advertisements on Facebook. From the content view, product information, holiday care and customers gratitude were more engaging consumers than entertainment, consumer education and works sharing. The research proved different fans response characteristics by their gender, age, relationships, location and number of friends. What’s more, the evidence also showed that the fan who liked posts may hold most virus marketing power according to their friends numbers. The study provides insights for floral retailers Facebook practices, what is to promote more consumer care and entertainment to grab more consumers on Facebook with more applicable form and content. Also, helped florists tailoring more precise strategies for target audience. The results may challenge the facts that are currently operated on Facebook strategies such as promoting campaigns, targeting customers, managing contents and new way of solution for floral retailer social media management by a scientific data description.


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