  • 學位論文

都市擴張模式-SLEUTH 應用於台灣的校準

Calibration of the SLEUTH Urban Growth Model for Taiwan

指導教授 : 莊振義


SLEUTH 是一已廣泛應用於世界許多城市的細胞自動機(cellular automata, CA )土地利用與都市成長模擬模式,應用範圍包括美洲、歐洲、亞洲的許多都市,包括台灣。SLEUTH 模式中的都市成長方式主要由五個參數所控制,分別是擴散、育種、蔓延、坡度、但道路引力。結合各個描述不同都市面向的參數,可以模擬出不同型態的都市成長方式。擴散參數控制整體模式中因擴散而轉為都市網格的數量;育種參數控制一個新增都市網格轉為新擴散中心的機率;坡度參數控制坡度對都市開發的阻力;道路引力參數則控制都市網格可經由道路擴散多遠。 過去台灣大部份的研究著重在SLEUTH與其他模型結合的進一步應用。本研究將著重在SLEUTH模式對台北及高雄都會區的校準本身。藉由輸入足夠的歷史土地利用資料,並使用最佳SLEUTH標準(Optimal SLEUTH Metric) 對其結果進行評估。基本的視覺比較也將做為參數調整的基準。經過調整後的參數組合能夠對過去的都市擴張過程進行更佳的模擬,提供更進一步土地利用預測及其他氣象模式一個良好的基礎。


SLEUTH 都市擴張模式 模式校準 台北 高雄


SLEUTH is a cellular automata land use model which has been applied to various cities widely around the world including America, Europe, Asia and also, Taiwan. There are five coefficients in the model to control the growth rules, DIFFUSSION coefficient, BREED coefficient, SPREAD coefficient, SLOPE coefficient, and ROAD GRAVITY coefficient. Combining individual coefficients together, each describing different portion of urban growth, can decide different dynamic of urban growth. Most of the past research of Taiwan focused on the application of combining SLEUTH result with further model simulation. This research addressed on the calibration of SLEUTH to Taipei and Kaohsiung metropolitan. Sufficient land use data is input in the calibration. Optimal SLEUTH metric (OSM) is used to evaluate the calibration result; also the basic visual comparison was used to certify weather the coefficient set obtained from the calibration is reasonable. Through the modification of coefficient set, the urban expansion process was better constructed in the model which is the foundation for land-use prediction and further metrology model simulation.


SLEUTH urban growth model calibration Taipei Kaohsiung


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