  • 學位論文


The Implication for the Characterization of Literati in San Yan: Based on Scholar Lu Subdues the Royals with Poems and Wine

指導教授 : 康韻梅
共同指導教授 : 高桂惠(Kuei-Hui Kao)


本文以〈盧太學詩酒傲公侯〉為考察中心,透過歷史與文學之間的對話與比較,探析作者馮夢龍對於文人處境的思考,並以此為基礎,延伸探討馮夢龍「如何」形塑「三言」中的歷史文人形象,及其「為何」如此書寫,進一步探究故事背後所隱含的深刻意蘊。 不得志於時的盧柟,因才華不得世用,遂以狂傲面目處世,卻因此得罪縣令,並遭誣陷入獄。盧柟及其友人藉由詩文辯冤求解、抒發情志,透過這些作品,可以看出當代文人所需面對的人生課題及艱難處境:科舉失意的失落、蠻橫官權的打壓及人生價值的尋覓等。而稍晚於盧柟,亦為失意文人的馮夢龍,則以小說形式,即〈盧太學詩酒傲公侯〉傳達其對盧柟其人其事的看法。 通過小說允許的想像空間,馮夢龍融鑄自身際遇及晚明背景,透過盧柟形象的形塑,傳達其對文人處境的思考與關懷。馮夢龍筆下的盧柟,不因科舉而失意,反而以身為閒隱文人、建構美學情境為傲;而在蠻橫官權的打壓之下,雖突顯出盧柟身為文人的卑微與悲哀,卻也令其重新反思人生困境,最終不為名利所拘,飄然仙去,贏得高名萬古留。歷史上的盧柟因狂傲不被理解而導致人生的悲劇,終被馮夢龍巧妙地轉化為「詩、酒、神仙」的理想結局;因此,馮夢龍實透過盧柟形象的形塑及故事的書寫,建構出文人的理想世界。 進一步擴大考察「三言」中的歷史文人故事,會發現馮夢龍仍極力宣說身為文人的價值所在,並進一步構築「文才」與「政才」兼俱的理想文人形象,突顯科舉弊端及官權打壓之可厭,及受到皇帝慧眼賞識之可喜,種種圍繞著「愛才」理想所進行的書寫,都可看出馮夢龍對文人處境的思考及理想的寄寓。此等「入於文心」的文人關懷,實扭轉了「三言」予人既定的「通俗」及「教化」印象,展現出不同既往的文人情感與理想的一面。


三言 馮夢龍 盧柟 歷史文人 才子


The purpose of this thesis was to examine Feng Meng-Lung’s thinking about the situation of frustrated literati by the comparison between historical and fictional narratives. Based on the study of “Scholar Lu Subdues the Royals with Poems and Wine”, this thesis would explore writing skills of San Yan, and the implication for these stories and images of the historical literati, including Lu Nan. Lu Nan, who was frustrated by the imperial examination, was condescending to the world; however, the magistrate was offended by his arrogance and attempted to murder Lu Nan in the prison. When Lu Nan insisted on his innocence and expressed his emotions by poems and ancient prose, he also revealed the difficult situation that frustrated literati should face in the middle of the Ming Dynasty. Later, Feng Meng-Lung, who was also defeated by the imperial examination, wrote an imaginative story to convey his own thinking about Lu Nan’s situation and frustration. Instead of depressing by the imperial examination, in “Scholar Lu Subdues the Royals with Poems and Wine”, Lu Nan was proud of his new life with leisurely reclusion, poems, wine, and finally became immortal, which meant the fame, fortune and arrogant royals could be overcame. By redefining Lu Nan’s identification and life, there was an ideal world creating by Feng Meng-Lung for frustrated literati. Furthermore, the historical literati in San Yan were not only talented with literature but also skilled in official duties. These stories condemned disadvantages of the imperial examination, and expected the frustrated literati could be appreciated by the emperor. Except for popular and enlightened, the ideal world for frustrated literati in San Yan was significant and could not be ignored.


