  • 學位論文


How Gender Consciousness Works on the Construction and Identification of On-line Dating Participants' Self-image--an Analysis from "Alltogether" at PTT Bullitin Board System

指導教授 : 張錦華


中文摘要 線上交友的使用者在上網時即有和線上互動對象見面的打算,因此有別於其它的網路活動,使用者想利用網路化名建構新的網路自我形象時,必需考量各種自己的經驗,無法恣意展演自我,因為真誠性是線上交友活動中無法規避的問題。不過,使用者還是可以透過策略與技巧的運用,在呈現自我與吸引回應之間取得平衡。本研究的報導人是自覺具有性別意識者,討論重心不在於報導人用了什麼策略做自我揭露,而是他們怎麼看待並進而認同透過策略建構出來的線上形象。 本研究主要的理論架構是Bourdieu的日常生活言行理論,藉此討論主體與結構之間的辯證關係。本研究主要的三個研究問題是:自覺具有性別意識者如何經營線上交友的自我形象,自覺具有性別意識者如何解釋自己的意識在交友場域的實踐意涵,以及自覺具有性別意識者如何調整心態與自我轉化,近而達成主體認同的一致性。 結果發現報導人會透過高度選擇性的自我揭露,設計徵友文本內容,而對理想對象的期待與條件已經包括在自我介紹中。並且善用自己駕馭文字的能力,做為網路活動的資本,挑戰傳統的性別意識型態。報導人會把自我認同的高低程度分成同心圓的型態,核心的部份是他們堅持自主的底限,並不斷與結構對話和妥協,希望提高自主的程度。 當性別意識不是社會主流論述時,具有性別意識者難免有怕被邊緣化的顧慮,對此報導人也會感到不安與矛盾,對結構的抵抗與順應總是同時發生,這些都需要生存心態的調適,而Foucault的自我雙重化論述可以解釋Bourdieu理論中生存心態改變的機制。 本研究讓我們從較細緻的觀點檢視主體的行為,或是關照在傳統性別意識研究中被忽略的群體,以便提出理論的侷限與日後努力的方向。


Abstract Online dating forum participants usually intend to meet their internet friends face-to-face. Therefore, the way we discuss online dating users’ interaction should be distinguished from other internet activities. Online dating users have to consider life experiences when they try to construct their new online images. Although online activities may remain anonymous, users cannot just perform any way they want, because authenticity is an inevitable question in online dating relationships. However, users may still utilize some skills and strategies to represent themselves while attract positive responses. Informants of this study are people who consider themselves aware of gender consciousness. The focus of the study is not about the strategies informants use in online dating, but how they view and identify the image constructed by their choices. This thesis is mainly framed around Theory der Praxis of Bourdieu, and I’d like to discuss the dialectic relationship between structure and agency. There are three issues I try to discuss: First, how do informants construct their on-line dating image? Second, how do informants explain the meaning of their practice of gender consciousness in the field? Third, how do informants change their habitus to improve the consistency of self-identification? The research findings indicate that informants design the content of self-disclosure with highly intentional selections. The expectation and condition set for the people they want to meet online are included in the introduction of themselves. Informants optimize the usage of language, which is their capitals in on-line activities and allows them the power to challenge traditional gender ideologies. According to the different levels of self-identification, informants’ identification is like a concentric circle--the core of the circle is the bottom line to insist their agency. Informants negotiate with the structure and hope to raise the level of agency. If gender consciousness discourses are not the mainstream in the society, then it is quite possible that people with gender consciousness may feel threatened to borderization. Informants have contradictory and uncomfortable feelings toward their position, and the resistance and accommodation to the structure coexist in informants’ behavior. The process of resistance and accommodation requires the change of habitus, which could be explained more thoroughly by Foucault’s four modes of subjectivity in self-technology. The findings also provide us subtle insight to the subjectivity of informants, who are usually ignored in traditional gender consciousness research. The thesis is trying to further our understanding to the limitation of theories and the direction for further studies.


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