  • 學位論文


The Research on Business Model of Publishing Industry – A Case Study of China Times Publishing Company

指導教授 : 李吉仁


論文摘要 圖書出版產業在台灣發展了幾十年,已進入產業成熟期,目前正面臨著一些困境,諸如:由於進入障礙極低,出版社眾多(目前共有6,000多家出版社),而出版消費市場過小(總產值近600億元),過多新書(每年總出書量高達4萬種)引發的高退書率(近四成),成為出版業面臨的最大困難,而外來的威脅又有增無減—─簡體書大量侵台、網路及電子媒體瓜分圖書閱讀人口,加上這幾年整體經濟不佳,購書消費減少,嚴重影響出版業者營收;而出版社規模過小,難以取得融資,資金不足也成為中小型出版業者共同的難題。 本研究首先針對此一產業結構進行分析,確立產業主要的發展問題有:華文市場的開拓;數位化出版;跨領域、跨媒體的整合性出版;消費環境的改變;通路市場的改變等。其次,為了瞭解如何解決上述困境與問題,本研究以產業中經營得比較成功的時報出版社作為個案,嘗試以價值網架構來分析、研究其商業模式,分別從價值主張、營運範疇、利潤獲取、策略控制、執行等五方面剖析個案公司的經營模式,並根據這些分析討論其實務應用之意涵。


THESIS ABSTRACT GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY NAME:Mo, Chao-ping MONTH/YEAR:July, 2006 ADVISOR:Dr . Ji-ren Lee A Study on the Business Model of Book Publishing Business: The Case of China Times Book Publishing Company After five decades’ development, the Taiwanese book publishing industry is now getting matured and is facing a lot of challenges, such as fragmented structure and too much competition due to very low barriers to entry (there are now more than 6,000 publishers in Taiwan), too many new book-titles being published each year (around 40,000 titles), and there exists a rather high book-return-rate (around 40%). In addition to the above mentioned structural disadvantages to the incumbents, even worse are the threats from the penetration of the simplified-character books imported from Mainland China to Taiwan. Moreover, internet, TV and radio are grapping the readers’ attention from their book-reading time, habit and money. Other factors include the decreasing of book-purchasing due to the impact of Taiwan’s fading economy in the recent years and the difficulties for the publishers to obtain loan from bank …etc. The present research undertook an industry analysis and identified several critical issues of development, including the entry and penetration to the Mainland China market, the challenge of digital publishing, and the multi-media publishing…etc. Next, we focus on the case company, China Times Publishing Company, which is relatively successful in the Taiwan book publishing market, and analyze her business model by employing the framework of value net (Bovet, Martha and Kramer, 2000). We detailed the elements of her business model in terms of her value proposition, scope of business operations, basis of profit capture, strategic control actions, and execution. Implications and strategic suggestions to book publishing companies are also discussed.


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