  • 學位論文


State, Society, and Communication Policy: a Case Study of Building The Public Broadcasting System in Taiwan

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


二○○六年一月三日,立法院三讀通過〈無線電視事業公股處理條例〉,該條例確立了華視公共化,以及原住民、客家與宏觀電視自九十六年度起由公視基金會負責製播等媒體改革方向,我國的公共廣電集團亦隨之成形。公共廣電集團政策從提出到執行花了六年的時間,期間行政部門的政策方向卻反覆不定。究竟我國公共廣電集團政策如何得以落實是值得研究者探討的問題。 從政策研究的國家理論與傳播政治經濟學的理論基礎,本研究以公共廣電集團政策為例,透過次級資料分析與深度訪談法探討三個主要研究問題:即公共化政策提出的背景、政策過程的各個行動者如何互動促成公共廣電集團的誕生、以及政策過程中的國家與社會的關係。 本研究發現,公共化政策提出有政治環境上與媒體環境上的原因。首先,政治力未隨著政治自由化與民主化退出媒體,而整個傳媒環境在自由化後,在政府放任的媒體政策下導致惡質的商業競爭。以傳播學術界為主的媒體改革人士有鑑於此,認為有必要平衡當前的媒體環境,隨後透過替政治人物撰寫傳播政策白皮書提出台視華視公共化,試圖屆時從政策層面落實媒體改革。 國家在政策過程中的自主性受限於來自民間社會集結力量,使其無法完全依照本身的偏好制定符合自己利益的政策,但同時也導致了行政部門的公共化政策一直模糊不清。因社運團體積極介入政策過程,阻擋了台灣媒體環境進一步私有化與政商結合的可能性,公共廣電集團的形成除了具有媒體改革的意義,同時也代表台灣傳播媒體環境邁向新的里程碑。不過社運團體在此政策研究的個案中雖有著關鍵性的角色,但研究也發現,促成其他相關的政策行動者與社運團體結合、共同促成公共廣電集團最關鍵的因素仍是基於自身利益考量。本研究認為未來仍需知識份子引導群眾發揮批判能力與自覺,透過彼此多元對話、形成更大的批判力,進一步從事改革。而國家應維持政策透明性,擴大公民參與的管道,並且做為積極主動的管理者。


On Jan 3 2006, the Legislative Yuan had passed through the Statute for Disposing of Public-Sector Stock Shares in Wireless TV Businesses, which confirms to support a public-owned broadcasting enterprise by merging CTS (Chinese Television System), TITV (Taiwan Indigenous Television), Hakka TV (Hakka Television Service) and MACTV (Taiwan Macroview TV) with current PTS (Taiwan Public Television Service). It took six years to pass through the statute and enforce the policy of building the public broadcasting system. The executive authorities also appeared to be indecisive. It is an issue worthy of serious concern as to how the public broadcasting system in Taiwan could be built. From the perspectives of state theories and critical political economy of communications and through secondary analysis and in-depth interview, we explored three key subjects in this study: the background of the TV publicizing policy, how actors in the policy process interact and contribute to the public broadcasting system, and state and society relations. The study found that there are political and media factors which lead to the proposal to build public broadcasting system. In the first place, political authority had not withdrawn from the media. In addition, the laisser-faire media policies after liberalization had brought about vicious competition in media industry. Therefore, media reform activists, mainly media academics, proposed building public broadcasting system through helping DPP presidential candidate writing Communication White Book. The study also found that state autonomy was restricted by civil society, which caused state was not able to make policies advantageous to itself at will. That’s the reason why the executive authorities’ position on publicizing policy was ambiguous and indecisive. The active involvement in policy making process of social movement groups (especially the media reform group) prevented further privatization and politician-businessman collusion of media in Taiwan. The media reform group played a crucial role in this policy process, but seeking self-interest of other actors was the reason why they were willing to collaborate with the media reform group to support public broadcasting system. In the future, we still need the intellectuals to lead the people to be critical and self-conscious, developing further reform. The state, as an active regulator, should keep policy transparency and expand public participation.


李瞻 (1984)。〈瑞典的公共電視〉,《新聞學研究》,33:353-378。


