  • 學位論文


Customer Perceived Value and Management Strategy of Crowdfunding Platform: A Means-end Chain Analysis

指導教授 : 孔令傑


群眾募資近年來在全球快速發展,台灣亦在2011年成立了第一個群眾募資平台,並成為群募平台全球密度最高的地區,然而,隨著群眾募資案件數量快速增加,如何吸引贊助者的目光成為平台經營者和提案人最關注的議題,然而在台灣註冊群募平台的會員人數與實際贊助過的會員人數比率仍偏低,且成功率僅五成不到,因此在贊助參與率與成功率上仍有相當大的發展空間。 以往探討群眾募資成功率與參與率的文獻中,多以平台角度出發(信號傳遞理論、羊群效應、實驗法),較少以消費者角度(體驗、價值、質化)來討論,然而有許多文獻指出消費者所體認到的價值通常會影響消費者的參與行為的重大因素,因此本研究採用質化的方法來了解群眾募資對消費者所造成的價值,探討顧客感知價值對群眾募資平台參與率與成功率的影響。 研究結果發現愉悅感、滿足感、參與感、新鮮感、虛榮感、與安全感是贊助者最重視的贊助價值,並對贊助的意圖有影響,因此平台經營者與提案者可以依此六大價值作為建立經營策略的參考依據。


Crowdfunding has grown rapidly in recent years. In 2013, the first crowdfunding platform appeared in Taiwan, and now Taiwan becomes the country that has the highest density of crowdfunding platforms. Due to the increasing number of funding projects, the problem of how to attract the attention of those sponsors has become the most popular issue for the platform managers and the fundraisers. However, the ratio of the crowdfunding platform member who have ever sponsored a project is low and the project success rate is below 50%, we still have a lot to do to increase the success rate and the participation rate. Former studies exploring the success and participation rate focused mainly on the platform characteristics by applying signaling theory or herding effect. Little research explored this topic from the customer perspectives, like customer experience and value. Several studies indicate that customer perceived value is an important factor that can influence customer behaviors and their participation. Therefore, our aim is to figure out how to improve the success rate from customer value perspective through qualitative interviews to crowdfunding sponsors. Our empirical result shows that Happiness, Fulfillment, Participation, Curiosity, Vanity, and Trust are the most important value for sponsors and also have a great impact on sponsor motivation. As a result, while designing the service process and platform mechanism, platform managers can take those six customer value into consideration in order to raise the success rate and the participation rate.


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