  • 學位論文


Explicitation and the Verbal-Visual Interplay in the Chinese translation of English Picture Storybooks: A Case Study of Five Series

指導教授 : 石岱崙


在台灣,圖畫故事書(picture storybook)中文譯本的研究,多著眼於「文字」本身的翻譯,較少深入研究圖畫故事書的文圖關係。有研究提及圖畫故事書的文圖關係,但也僅限於檢視文圖訊息是否相符。再者,因為圖畫故事書中譯本的圖片並沒有改變,一般多認為原文版和譯本版的文圖關係並不會改變。 本研究認為,譯本的文圖關係會隨著文字翻譯而改變。本研究挑選了五個系列的圖畫故事書,比較其英文原版及中文譯本的文圖關係。五系列圖畫故事書包括:莫里斯˙桑達克三部曲、可愛哈利系列、小熊看世界系列、小熊向前走系列,以及可愛小豬奧莉薇系列。 本研究比較各圖畫故事書的原文版與中譯版,找出文圖關係改變之處,整理、歸納每一處改變,並逐一分析每一處改變的可能原因及可能造成的影響。本研究證實文圖關係會因為文字經過翻譯而有所改變,並發現「明朗化(explicitation)」會改變文圖關係。「明朗化」在本研究特指譯者將圖畫訊息明顯呈現於譯文中。本研究進一步從原文版裡的兩種文圖關係中,找到明朗化的例子。這兩種文圖關係分別為:(一)圖畫澄清(clarify)文字、(二)圖畫補充說明(elaborate)文字。此外,出現在後面頁數的圖畫訊息,譯者也會提前呈現於前面頁數的譯文中。圖畫資訊經過明朗化後,相較原文版本,譯本讀者較容易省去仔細觀察圖畫獲得訊息的過程、過度依賴文字理解故事;中譯本文字也因為明朗化而比英文原版直白,因此縮限讀者詮釋圖畫的空間。另外,有時譯文的明朗化會提早揭露後續劇情發展的伏筆,破壞原文設計的驚喜效果。最後,針對譯者採用明朗化策略的原因,本研究整理過往研究提出的解釋,並且爬梳台灣圖畫故事書的發展歷史,從歷史的角度提供另一個解釋。


In Taiwan, research on the Chinese translation of picture storybooks primarily focuses on the translation of “text” in a traditional sense – that is, printed words. Scholars have examined the word-picture relationship, but have focused narrowly on whether the information in the translated text matches the pictures. In addition, it is often thought that the word-picture relationship remains unchanged in translation, since the pictures stay the same. Arguing that the word-picture relationship changes in translation, I conduct a comparative and textual analysis of five picture storybooks series translated into Chinese and their original English versions. The five series of picture storybooks are: Maurice Sendak’s trilogy, Harry the Dog series written by Gene Zion and illustrated by Margaret Bloy Graham, Little Bear series written by Else Holmelund Minarik and illustrated by Maurice Sendak, Anthony Browne’s White Bear with a Magic Pencil series, and Ian Falconer’s Olivia the Pig series. The research reviewed existing taxonomies of word-picture relationship for picture storybooks, identified their strengths and weaknesses, and utilized their strengths in terms of how they name and describe various word-picture interplay to examine the word-picture interaction in the five picture storybooks series. Secondly, the research documented the changes in the verbal-visual relationship detected in the Chinese translations of picture storybooks, and observed the features of each change. Changes with similar features were categorized into different groups, and were analyzed in terms of possible causes and effects. The thesis claims that the word-picture relationship is likely to change in the translation of picture storybooks, and the translating approach that changes the relationship can be characterized as explicitation. Specifically, translators tend to make visual information explicit in the verbal text, filling in the gaps between words and pictures in the original text. Moreover, explicitation in the verbal translation is found when the word-picture relationships in the corresponding source texts are: (1) pictures clarifying words and (2) pictures elaborating words. Besides, visual information shown later in the source text is moved forward to the previous page and presented earlier in the verbal translation. Since the visual information is explicitated, readers of the translation are no longer required to “read” pictures carefully and might heavily rely on words to understand the story. Due to the explicitation, Chinese translations of picture storybooks are more explicit and direct, and thus leave less room for interpreting the corresponding pictures. In addition, the explicitation sometimes turns out be a spoiler, giving away important details beforehand. Finally, the thesis provides an integrated explanation for the causes of the explicitation, by drawing on previous research, but also proposing a possible historical account of the development of picture storybooks in Taiwan.


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