  • 學位論文


A Corpus-based Study of Eileen Chang’s Translation Styles: A Case Study on The Rice Sprout Song

指導教授 : 高照明


張愛玲為當代文壇的重要作家,同時她也是位譯者。她譯過《老人與海》、《愛默森選集》等作品,更自譯過17本自己的文本。除了中文作品,張愛玲也曾用英文寫作,再自譯為中文譯本。張愛玲在香港期間,曾因美新處贊助而著英文版The Rice Sprout Song,內容主要描寫1950年代土改後的農村生活,並自譯為中文版《秧歌》。因此,本研究以張愛玲的自譯作品《秧歌》為例,目的為用語料庫分析探討張愛玲的自譯風格,藉以研究自譯與翻譯他人作品風格的差異或相似處。本研究方法以語料庫及電腦輔助工具AntConc、SegmentAnt及Stanford CoreNLP的量化方式,提供數據以茲證明張愛玲的翻譯風格。本研究主要比較張愛玲純翻譯作品《老人與海》、自譯作品《秧歌》、及中文寫作作品《怨女》,從同時期的三個文本中找出張愛玲的翻譯風格差異。希望可以藉由語料庫比較文本間的疊字使用、句子結構,找出三者風格的差異及相似性。並用比較研究方法分析《秧歌》與《老人與海》的中英文本,找出例子以證明其翻譯風格。最後統計出數據,倆倆比對算出對數似然比(log-likelihood ratio)。低於對數似然比3.84的文本相關性即為相似,高於3.84即代表兩個語料間有顯著差異,藉此可看出兩個文本間的風格的相似程度。本研究結果發現《老人與海》與《秧歌》的對數似然比遠高於3.84,有顯著差異。反之,《秧歌》與《怨女》的對數似然比低於3.84,自譯風格與中文寫作風格極為相似。


Eileen Chang is a prolific writer of modern Chinese literature who wrote a total of 26 novels including Love in a Fallen City and The Golden Cangue, which C.T. Hsia hailed as “the most remarkable short story of modern Chinese history.” She is also a translator who has translated 33 works, 17 of which were self-translations. This research aims to compare three of Chang’s translations and literary works by means of corpus analysis – The Old Man and the Sea, The Rice Sprout Song, and The Rouge of the North. To analyze stylistics, the research tools used include AntConc, SegmentAnt, and Stanford CoreNLP. In doing so, this study aims to identify and analyze two stylistic features of Chang’s translations: morphological reduplication and sentence structure. Chang tends to use morphological reduplication, especially color-coded reduplication and onomatopoeia. We base the sentences structure off the occurrence of certain sequences of Part-of-Speech (POS) taggers. By comparing the frequency of morphological reduplication and POS sequence using the log-likelihood ratio, the result shows Chang’s self-translation style is more similar to her writing style in her Chinese novels and is significantly different from the translation style she utilizes for the works of other authors.


English References
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