  • 學位論文


Study on the institutional trust of Credit Department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations to Agricultural Bank of Taiwan

指導教授 : 蕭崑杉


2005年設立的「全國農業金庫」是我國農業金融體系劃時代的里程碑,在這個全新的體系中,最受人矚目的議題莫過於農漁會信用部對全國農業金庫連結關係之制度信任。為了在全國農業金庫與農漁會信用部之間架構一個成功與穩定的連結關係,需要進行一連串的決策與行動,藉以使合作雙方建立足夠的制度信任,這些決策與行動可以反映在以下的研究目的中:一、分析農漁會信用部與全國農業金庫間連結關係的制度信任之影響因素;二、探討農漁會信用部對全國農業金庫的制度信任類型。 經由理論論述與文獻分析,本研究提出組織規模、組織環境、社會網絡、參與程度與投資額度等五個自變項,再進一步將全國農業金庫模式的制度信任解構為法規信任、體制信任與成長信任等三個依變項,並建立如下的假設: 一、農漁會信用部的組織規模越大,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度越高。 二、農漁會信用部所處的組織環境競爭程度越高,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度也越高。 三、農漁會信用部的社會網絡參與程度越高,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度越高。 四、農漁會信用部對金庫籌設的過程參與越多,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度越高。 五、農漁會信用部對金庫的投資額度越大,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度越高。 本研究以量化分析為主,質性分析為輔,兩者相輔相成。量化研究的部份以問卷調查有投資全國農業金庫的農漁會理事長、總幹事與信用部主任,並以結構方程模型加以分析,運用之統計軟體為SPSS、SAS與LISREL。質性研究部分則以深度訪談十位產、官、學界之專家,並將訪談資料以紮根理論加以分析。 研究結果顯示,在質性研究部分,足以支持將全國農業金庫模式的制度信任解構為法規信任、體制信任與成長信任等三部份。在量化研究的部分則為,研究假設一:農漁會信用部的組織規模越大,則其對全國農業金庫模式的體制信任呈現負相關。研究假設二:農漁會信用部所處的組織環境競爭程度越高,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度也越高,並不成立。研究假設三:農漁會信用部的社會網絡參與程度越高,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度越高,這個研究假設是被接受的。研究假設四:農漁會信用部對金庫籌設的過程參與越多,則其對全國農業金庫模式的制度信任程度越高,這個研究假設也是被接受的。研究假設五:農漁會信用部對金庫的投資額度越大,則其對全國農業金庫模式的機制信任與成長信任的程度越高,這個假設也是被接受的。 本研究最後針對理論、文獻、方法與結果提出結論與建議。 關鍵詞:制度信任、農業金融、農漁會信用部、全國農業金庫


Agricultural Bank of Taiwan(ABT) was set up in the year of 2005 that is epochal milestone for Taiwan agriculture financial system. In this brand new system, the most important issue is the institutional trust relationship between Credit Department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations and ABT. To build up this successful and stable connecting relationship that is necessary making a serious of strategy and action. These strategy making and actions could reflect into this research purpose and are as following: 1.To analysis the influence factors on institutional trust between Credit Department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations and ABT. 2.To discuss institutional trust type between Credit Department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations and ABT. Through theory description and reference analysis, there are five independent variables are brought up in this research that are organizational scope, organizational environment, social network, participation degree, and investment amount. Moreover, dissolved the institutional trust of ABT into three dependent variables, which are regulation trust, mechanism trust, and growth trust. There are five assumptions was build up are as following: 1.Farmers and Fishermen Associations that got more large credit department have more high institutional trust degree to ABT. 2. Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher competition degree in organizational environment that have higher institutional trust degree to ABT. 3. Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in social network participation that has higher institutional trust degree to ABT. 4. Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in participation of setting up ABT that has higher institutional trust degree to ABT. 5. Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in investment Agricultural Bank that has higher institutional trust degree to ABT. In this research is the main character is quantitative analysis and the qualitative analysis as the coordinated. Quantitative research is partly with questionnaire to investigate the chairman, CEO, and Director of Credit Department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations, which invest in ABT. To analyze Structural Equation modeling and use SPSS, SAS, and LISREL as statistic software. In qualitative research adopted depth interview meeting ten specialists in production, official officer, and scholar. In the research result, under the qualitative research, separated institutional trust into regulation trust, mechanism trust, and growth trust into three parts. In the quantitative research, the result of research assumption are as following: 1.Farmers and Fishermen Associations that got negative correlation on mechanism trust of ABT. 2.Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in organizational environment that have higher institutional trust degree to ABT. This is not accepted. 3.Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in social network participation that has higher institutional trust degree to ABT. This is acceptable. 4.Credit Department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in participation during set up Agricultural Bank that has higher institutional trust degree to ABT. And this is also acceptable. 5.Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations have higher degree in investment Agricultural Bank that has higher mechanism and growth trust to ABT. This is also acceptable. Finally, in this research, I will address conclusion and suggestion on theory, reference, methodology and result. Key words:Institutional Trust, Agricultural Finance, Credit department of Farmers and Fishermen Associations, Agricultural Bank of Taiwan




