  • 學位論文


Identity, Spatiality and Power: Sexual emancipation opportunities and constraints of betel nut beauties

指導教授 : 姜蘭虹


檳榔西施與辣妹檳榔攤自1980年代末期成為台灣獨特的公路景觀,並因西施「公然地」在穿著、行為上遊走於主流性道德規範邊緣、挑戰性道德地景的常態,而成為社會輿論的爭議焦點。檳榔西施的工作對西施究竟造成傷害限制或成長解放的問題,引發性批判與性解放女性主義者對於她們是否情慾自主或解放的論爭。近年探討情色工作者是否自主或解放的研究已逐漸將工作者放回日常生活來討論,但過去的相關研究往往由社會面向進行討論,卻鮮少注意空間面向在其中所扮演的角色。由於自主與否不但涉及人們被加諸的主體位置以及個人的認同,也涉及人們被加諸的空間規範和個人的空間感。因此空間面向切入,不但能為上述自主、解放與受限的爭議提供更豐富的認識,也因檳榔西施有別於其他情色工作者的工作空間特性與污名特性,而更有助於我們了解空間感與認同如何交互建構與重構。 本研究將引用Gillian Rose(1993)以及Doreen Massey(1994)所提出的空間概念以及後現代的認同觀點,重新詮釋Hägerstrand (1973)的時間地理學。以此基礎分析辣妹檳榔攤以及檳榔西施的工作在檳榔西施情慾生涯中的意義與作用。在批判民族誌的方法論下,我針對11位檳榔西施以參與觀察與深度訪談等方式取得共計175小時的訪談與記錄資料,另外也與六位檳榔攤主有15小時的訪談。 「檳榔西施」並非一個均質的群體,不同的工作者在家庭、經濟背景,以及性道德與情慾慾望上都有相當大的差異。不過此一職業不涉及性交易的工作內容,但工作者作為情慾對象的主體位置和暴露、隨便的形象,以及辣妹檳榔攤流動、開放、少有旁人進行近距離非正式監控、在性道德上的閥限空間特性,為工作者在嘗試不同情慾模態上提供了一個進可攻退可守的基地。工作者因之有更多機會接觸並篩選各種性邀請,也讓工作者因為被允許、被鼓勵在情慾對象的主體位置上與消費者互動,而有了主動展現身體、表現情慾,並對情慾關係採取開放態度的另類可能。由基進人本主義以及性多元主義的立場來看,這使得工作者原本受限於常態禮教而被壓抑的情慾有更多獲得釋放與滋養的機會。在有意識或意外地採取不同於常態性道德的實踐中,部分工作者原本被視為理所當然的認同有了被重新定義與改變的契機,也使得空間感隨之改變。部份改變了認同與空間感的工作者,逐漸不再因「隨便」此一污名的震懾而自我設限,得以指認以往視而不見的資本與機會,也得以重新規劃生命路徑、協商叢束與範域的邊界,並靈活地運用日常生活中各個叢束的空間特性與關係、交疊於叢束上各種場域的社會關係與論述進行權力互動,進而突破原有生命與生活的限制爭取情慾自主,在觀念與實踐上的性解放後獲得情慾解放。


Most sociological and geographical studies concerning the sexual autonomy of sex workers investigate their autonomy only at work and thus extract workers from their daily lives. However, this could cause misreading of the workers’ performances. Therefore, I draw on Hägerstrand’s (1973) Time geography and reinterpret it with Rose (1993) and Massey’s (1994) spatial concepts in order to put sex workers, betel nut beauties in particular, back into their everyday lives. I focus mainly on how workers’ identities and spatiality affect their interpretations and actions. First, I try to investigate how the workers I interviewed understand and react to the assigned subject positions and accordingly imposed spatial rules, and so repress, ensure, or pursue their preferred sexual modality. Second, I ask what the role of the work is in their sexual lives. Third, I investigate how the work affects their identity and spatiality, and hence their sexual autonomy and possibilities to pursue sexual emancipation. Drawing on my 175 hours of in-depth interviews and participatory observations with 11 betel nut beauties, and 15 hours of interviews with 6 owners of betel nut vending businesses, I found there are many strategies betel nut beauties can use to help them interact with their bosses and customers at work with autonomy. From the view of radical humanist and sexual pluralist, the work experience is good for the workers. The work itself and spatial characters of the work place provide opportunities for the workers to extend their sexual, social, cultural, and economic capital to resist their boyfriend’s gender and sexual domination and restriction. Some of them take full advantage of the sexual opportunities the work provides. Some of them flexibly cross use their subject positions and “regulations they have to follow” at work and in other private social relations to pursue their sexual opportunities. Their passive or active reactions to their bosses and customers are some times strategies that are purposefully adopted to pursue their own sexual autonomy in other places. However, the extension and expansion of various strategies and opportunities the workers use is highly influenced by their identities and spatiality. Although some workers do overturn sexual restrictions that were originally taken for granted in order to explore alternative sexual modalities and possibilities, the overthrow of the original beliefs is usually triggered by accidents. These accidents, mistakes which put the worker in an unfamiliar situation in which they can let go of their original ideologies for a while, provide them chances to see what will happen and thus chances to experience other possibilities.


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何春蕤 (2001b) 性、權力與鋼管辣妹pub:一個田野的觀察,台灣社會研究季刊,44:167-200。
周震歐、趙碧華 (1995) 少年逃學、逃家行為社會心理因素推力拉力之實徵研究,臺北 : 教育部訓育委員會。
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