  • 學位論文


Game Theory Analysis for the Negotiation Process between the Landowners and the Implementers in Urban Renewal

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


都市更新是目前國內積極推動的政策之一,實施都市更新可改善都市內舊有 的建築結構及重建都市機能,並能增加房屋之供給量以解決房屋供需失衡之根本 問題,成為都市持續發展的當務之急,但都市更新事業遲遲未有成效,甚至近年 來爆發許多爭議事件,主要問題仍在於雙方無法取得合意的利益分配,在協商過 程中徒增許多交易成本,本研究主要以 Rubinstein 議價模型為基礎,建構出一賽局模型,加以談判權力的概念修正,使之更貼近現實情況,並求出實施者與地主在協商中的最佳提案解,其中提案解和雙方底限值、談判權力的變動有關,最後以 實際影響都市更新進展的困境現況套入模型進行觀察與分析,分別是少數堅持者 行為、策略性要價行為、搭便車行為、資訊不對稱現象、不信任現象。(1) 少數堅 持者會使得雙方提案值出現落差,過度的要求利益可能使實施者退出協商,本模 型提供了提出實施者最佳提案解的選擇,使其不至於產生破局。(2) 由許多小地主 組成的策略性要價,雖然因為要求的利益相對小,實施者看來容易接受,但經過 計算之後並非如此,實施者不會一視同仁給予相同的利益。(3) 搭便車行為是容易 造成都市更新拖延的原因,沒有特殊狀況發生很難改變地主的心態,實施者若想 提前達成協議可嘗試以最後的提案值做為提案,藉以說明此提案已等同或高於其 他地主的要價。(4) 以利益分配而言實施者來說會想在資訊不對稱情況下達成協議,需要付出的額外成本較小,因此地主應積極了解真實資訊以防權益受損。(5) 在不信任關係底下,雙方認知出現落差,較難達成共識,除非實施者願意接受地主開價,否則實施者只能藉由建立和地主的信任關係使均衡產生交集,雙方都應避免 此一情況發生。本研究提供質性研究以外的方法描述都市更新中實施者與地主協 商利益分配,觀察不同狀況下都市更新協商結果變化,使雙方了解自身在協商中 所握有的權利及應得報酬。


Urban renewal is one of the actively promoting policies in Taiwan. Implementing urban renewal can retrofit old building in the city, rebuild urban functions, and solve the housing supply and demand imbalance problem, these advantages makes it urban sustainable development priority. However, urban renewal business is ineffective, and even broke out a lot of controversy in recent years; the main problem is that landowners and perpetrators cannot accomplish an agreeable balance of their own benefits, bringing in many of the transaction costs in the negotiation process. This study is mainly based on Rubinstein bargaining model to construct a game theory model and uses the concept of bargaining power to correct payoff in order to fit the reality situation. The model can find the best proposal of the perpetrators and landowners in the urban renewal negotiation and provide a way to observe certain society situations. Finally, setting the actual urban renewal problem of progress into the model of observation and analysis, the situations includes land holding behavior, strategic asking price behavior, rider behavior, information asymmetry, and distrust. The model can be used to describe the process of distributing the urban renewal interests between the landowners and perpetrators, so that they understand their rights in the negotiation and the reward they deserve.


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