  • 學位論文


Factors Influencing Price-Value Ratio of Farmland: Cases Study on Yilan and Yunlin Counties

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


農地作為農業生產的重要因素,其市場價格的高低將直接攸關著農民是否有能力購買農地從事農業生產,更進階的影響著臺灣整體的農業經營生態與發展前景,因此市場價格是否呈現合理反映農業產值的樣貌是個值得討論的議題。 本研究運用多種類型的資料庫綜合分析農地價格與農地價值,處理方式以「兩者相除之比率」做為分析農地交易點位之價格價值扭曲程度之依據,且選定受都市化衝擊的「宜蘭縣」與傳統農業為主的「雲林縣」兩個地區進行比較。資料來源包括以不動產實際交易登錄資訊選擇農地交易點位與農地市場價格水準,以農林漁牧業普查資料推估各個研究地區之村里農業產值來近似為農地價值。接著參照過往相關文獻選取了農作物適栽性等級、灌溉排水條件、農作物年價格變化率、土地使用分區管制之分區類型、至都市計畫區之距離、至最近道路之路寬、地籍複雜程度與交易當期房貸指數做為自變數,搭配地理資訊系統之應用後,對每個農地交易點的價格價值扭曲程度進行分量迴歸模型之統計,以估算對於宜蘭地區與雲林地區來說,影響兩者的因素是否有相同或相異之處。 實證結果發現,兩個研究地區之農地價格價值扭曲程度的分布呈現越靠近都會區差異越大之趨勢。土地使用分區管制與路寬、至最近溝渠等區位條件對於兩地區均呈顯著。然而,宜蘭地區因距離大臺北都會區較近,除了扭曲程度普遍較雲林地區為高之外,對於土壤的肥沃程度、農作物年價格變化率也有較明顯的影響;反觀雲林地區由於是傳統農業生產地區,農作物價格年變化率之效果不明顯,土壤越肥沃之農地反而越能弭平扭曲程度,足見兩個研究地區之相同與相異之處。


Farmland is an important factor in the agricultural production process, and its price on the market directly relates to whether the farmers can afford in order to produce or not. Besides, it influences overall agricultural management and development outlook. Therefore, whether the price of farmland reasonably reflects the agricultural output is a topic worth discussing. This study uses various types of databases to analyze farmland prices and farmland values comprehensively. The approach is based on the "ratio of the two divisions" for analyzing the price-value distortion level of farmland transactions.By setting two study areas - Yilan County(which is affected by the impact of urbanization) and Yunlin County(which is traditional agricultural area), the sources of the data including the real estate transactions information to get farmland transactions and farmland market prices, agriculture and forestry fishery census data to estimate the village-base agricultural production value. Subsequently, use the range of crop adaptability, irrigation and drainage conditions, crop prices change rate, land use zoning types, distance to urban planning area, width of the nearest road, land blocks and the current mortgage index of the transaction as independent variables, with the application of geographic information system as references, then analyze the price-value distortion level of Yilan County and Yunlin County via quantile regression method. The empirical result shows that the distribution of the price-value distortion level of farmlands in the two areas is more distorted near the metropolitan area. Land use control, road width, distance to the nearest ditch and other location conditions for both regions were significant. However, Yilan County is closer to the Great Taipei Metropolitan area, in addition to the degree of distortion is generally higher than Yunlin County, the fertility of the soil and the crop prices change rate also have more significant impacts. In contrast, because Yunlin County is a traditional agricultural production area, the crop prices change rate has no obvious effect; the more fertile of the soil, the more able to balance the degree of distortion, which shows that two areas have some similar and different aspects.


