  • 學位論文

認知、情感因素與任務特性對Web 2.0網站使用者行為意向影響之研究—以無名小站及Youtube為例

The Impacts of Cognitive, Affective Factors and Task Characteristics on Behavioral Intention of Using Web 2.0 Websites — An Empirical Study of Wretch and Youtube

指導教授 : 曹承礎




Based on the classic psychological theory that behavior is composed of cognitive, affective, and conative dimensions, this study examines the relationships among perceived website quality (cognitive response), perceived affective quality (affective response), perceived beliefs, and behavioral intention (conative response) constructs within the Web 2.0 context. The proposed model deems that perceived website quality (objected-based belief) and perceived affective quality (objected-based affect) impact users’ perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use (behavioral beliefs); these in turn influence users’ behavioral intentions. Then, we will examine the moderating effect of task characteristics on the relationships in our proposed model. The task characteristics are classified as utilitarian or hedonic. We will conduct experiments in the laboratory environment and collect the research data. PLS (Partial Least Squares) will be used to analyze the collected data, and we will provide some academic and practical implications for the development of Web 2.0 services.


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