  • 學位論文


Integrating Parent-Teacher Relationships and Relationships among Parents: Effect of In-class Social Capital on Student Academic Performance

指導教授 : 蘇國賢


既有研究已從宏觀的學校與社區,以及微觀的親師與家長關係,說明社會資本對學習表現的效果,但都未整合親師與家長關係,亦未檢驗班級脈絡的效果。在既有研究基礎上,本文挪用Coleman(1988)的封閉性社會資本概念,參考Lareau等人的階級親職風格研究,並顧及台灣國中「親師生同班三年」的在地脈絡,在班級層次整合親師與家長關係,依社會資本是否存在於家長間與親師間,區分四種班級社會資本狀態,以釐清以下四點問題:(1)班級家長的社經地位組成是否影響形成班級社會資本的機率?(2)家長和親師間社會資本是否都有助於學習表現?何者幫助較大?(3)班級社會資本對學習表現的幫助是否受個人社經背景調節?(4)班級社會資本可能的具體內涵?本文使用「台灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」的國一和國三追蹤樣本,以多名目羅吉斯迴歸模型(multinomial logistic regression model),從班級家長結構解釋國一的班級社會資本狀態。再用階層線性模型(hierarchical linear model)控制不可觀察的班級因子,探討班級社會資本是否有助於國中生的學習表現成長。   本文主要發現為:(1)對照缺乏班級社會資本的班級,班級家長的平均社經地位越高,形成班級社會資本的勝算越大,特別是家長間社會資本;(2)班級家長的社經地位同質性越低,同時形成親師及家長間社會資本的勝算越小,但效果不顯著;(3)班級社會資本有助於學習表現成長,特別是親師間社會資本,而家長間社會資本的正面效果可能是虛假相關;(4)個人社經地位越高,家長間社會資本對學習表現成長的幫助越大。   本文主要貢獻在顧及台灣國中脈絡,透過整合親師與家長關係,補充封閉性社會資本概念,說明同班家長建立關係卻排除導師時,這種封閉性社會資本無助於學生的學習表現成長,還有可能擴大不同社經地位學生的學習表現差距。相比之下,只有親師關係的班級社會資本仍有助於學生的學習表現成長。本文試圖在社會資本理論與班級經營實務上做出貢獻。


Nowadays, macro and micro approaches cast light on the effect of social capital on students’ academic performance. The former investigates the structure of school and community; the latter illustrates the parent-teacher relationships (PTR) or relationships among parents. Both methods, nevertheless, are restricted by only discussing PTR or relationships among parents. Besides, few published studies on the effect of classroom context are available. Based on recent research, I take the view of Coleman’s (1988) concept of closure social capital, and the social class parenting styles research conducted by Lareau et al.. Besides, The Taiwan junior high school education institution context, in which a homeroom teacher, the classmates, and their parents interact in one classroom for three years, is taken into consideration. I integrates PTR and relationships among parents in a classroom. Four types of in-class social capital are distinguished according to the existence of the PTR and relationships among parents. Thus, four questions could be answered: (1) Does in-class parents’ socioeconomic status composition influence the possibility of formation of social capital in the PTR and relationships among parents? (2) Do both the PTR and relationships among parents benefit students’ academic performance? Which effect is stronger? (3) Does personal socioeconomic status moderate the effect of in-class social capital on academic performance? (4) What exactly is the in-class social capital? This article uses junior high school first grade and third grade data from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey. I use a multinomial logistic regression model to explain the effect of class parents’ composition on in-class social capital formation, applying hierarchical linear model, which controls unobservable in-class factors, to estimate the effect of in-class social capital on junior high school student’s academic performance growth.   This article finds that (1) referring to classes lacking in-class social capital, a positive correlation between in-class parents’ socioeconomic status mean and the formation odds of in-class social capital exists, especially the social capital in the relationships among parents. (2) The lower is the in-class parents’ socioeconomic status homophily, the lower are the odds of simultaneously formatting PTR and relationships among parents. However, the effect is not robust. (3) In-class social capital benefits academic performance growth, especially the social capital in PTR, but the effect of social capital in relationships among parents on academic performance growth may display a spurious correlation. (4) Personal socioeconomic status moderates the effect of in-class social capital in relationships among parents on academic performance growth. The higher is the personal socioeconomic status, the higher is the effect.   The main contribution of this article is taking the Taiwan junior high school context into consideration, integrating PTR and relationships among parents. I tried to enrich the concept of closure social capital. Closure social capital might not enhance students’ academic performance growth if the in-class parents format the closure of social network without including the homeroom teacher. What is worse, in-class parents closure excluding the homeroom teacher would expand the academic performance growth inequality among students from different socioeconomic status. In contrast, in-class social capital benefits students’ academic performance growth although only PTR exists in the classroom. This article may contribute to the social capital theory and the classroom management.


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