  • 學位論文


Exploring incident response data on freeways : analysis of incident dispatch and processing time

指導教授 : 許聿廷




Traffic congestion can lead to significant impact on decreasing the service level on freeways, and one of the major causes for traffic congestion is unexpected incidents, including car accidents, scattered objects, and intrusion of animals. Therefore, it is necessary to develop efficient incident response system to decrease incident duration and associated impact. Research efforts have been made to develop dynamic dispatch systems which considers real-time traffic conditions and the location of response teams, seeking to assign appropriate response teams so as to decrease total response time. However, when there are multiple incidents occurring temporarily closely, the assignment problem further involves the scheduling of incident responses, and the incident processing time can affect the next incident to be responded, which may overall influence incident response efficiency. Hence, this study aims at better estimating the processing time to enhance the efficiency of the dispatch systems. Rule-based fuzzy logic models are developed according to the fuzzy theory. This study identifies the procedures and the characteristic of estimating incident processing time and constructs the fuzzy logic models for three major types of freeway incidents, car accidents, scattered objects, and intrusion of animals, to estimate the associated processing time. In addition to considering the incident types, the fuzzy logic model also incorporates ambient traffic conditions and the spatiotemporal characteristics of incident occurrence to enable more accurate estimation of incident processing time. This study uses the historical incident records of Northern Taiwan Freeway Network for case study and analyzes the accuracy of the estimation results from the fuzzy logic models against the actual processing time. The fuzzy logic models are also compared with the hazard-based duration model and ordered probability model. It can be found that the fuzzy logic models result in the highest accuracy in contrast other statistical models for each incident type, and it also provides better performance in estimating longer processing time. The fuzzy logic models proposed by this research can be used to estimate incident processing time for the development of a dynamic dispatch system to determine more efficient response strategies.


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