  • 學位論文


Using Cognitive Poetic Theories to Teach College English Majors Poetry Interpretation

指導教授 : 胡映雪


主修英語為第二語言或外語( 英文:English as a Foreign Language )的學生通常會閱讀和學習西方詩歌,從認知的角度來看,似乎沒有很充足的研究資源來作為教英語作為外語( EFL )的環境詩歌給主修英語的大學生。因此,本研究的宗旨在於通過使用理論和實證的方法回答以下幾個問題:一)《荒原》的文字裡引用了《漁夫王傳說》裡的文字到了什麼程度?二)經過教學的融合、隱含的概念、和文本的分析與說明,一批高等的英語學習者更能理解《荒原》的這個主題嗎 ?三)經過教學的融合、隱含的概念、和文本的分析與說明,包括概念的整合與《漁夫王傳說》本文的說明,一批高等的英語學習者更能理解《荒原》的這個主題嗎?以及 四)這兩組學生經過指導後,對於《荒原》這個主題的理解會如何比較?要探索T.S。艾略特對於《荒原》背後的思維過程,利用《漁夫王傳說》和《荒原》的相關研究信息來創建本文的分析圖表。將認知詩意的概念教給兩組主修英語的學生,但第二組也接受到了《漁夫王》民俗文字的課程。研究結果證實,從《漁夫王傳說》題材顯然被呈現在《荒原》。此外,雖然這項研究有所限制(即短的時間內),其結果顯示認知概念的出現,以促使學生的批判性思維的行為以及理論知識的發展,和某些人為了了解作品的本文往往應用信息來了解它的內容。


Although students majoring in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) are commonly tasked with reading and studying Western poetry, there does not appear to be a wealth of studies about teaching university English majors in English as a Foreign Language (EFL) environments poetry, especially from a cognitive standpoint. Therefore, this study aims to answer the following questions through the use of both theoretical and empirical methods: a) To what extent do The Waste Land’s text world borrow from the Fisher King myth? b) Will a group of advanced ELLs better understand the major themes of The Waste Land after instruction on blending, conceptual metaphor, and text world analysis? c) Will a group of advanced ELLs better understand the major themes of The Waste Land after instruction on blending, conceptual metaphor, and text world analysis, including conceptual blending and the Fisher King myth’s text worlds? and, d) How will the two groups of students’ understanding of the major themes of The Waste Land compare after instruction? To explore T.S. Eliot’s thought process behind The Waste Land, text world analysis charts were created for the Fisher King myth and The Waste Land using information from relevant research. Cognitive poetic concepts were then taught to two groups of English majors, yet the second group also received a lesson on the text worlds behind Fisher King folklore. Findings confirm that themes from the Fisher King myth are clearly replicated in The Waste Land. Furthermore, though there were limitations to this study (i.e., a short time span), the results indicate cognitive concepts appear to promote students’ critical thinking behavior and development of schematic knowledge, and those who learn about a work’s text worlds tend to apply the information to understand a text.


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