  • 學位論文


The relationship between lifelong learning and quality of life: A case study of Ping-Jen Citizen University

指導教授 : 劉淑惠


隨著經濟的發展與產業的變化,台灣近年來邁入已開發國家與後工業化時代;加上教育水準的提升與平均餘命的增加,使民眾對於生活品質的提升更加重視。根據過去研究者大部份認為終身學習的推動有助於提升民眾之生活品質,但過去鲜少研究以國內社區大學(市民大學)所開設之課程學員為主要研究對象進行探討。故本研究以平鎮市市民大學為例,將研究樣本區分為有實際參與市民大學課程之民眾為實驗組,與未參與市民大學課程之平鎮市市民為控制組A及報名市民大學課程但未實際參與上課過程之民眾為控制組B。本研究以變異數分析(ANOVA)探討此三樣本群組在生活品質上是否有所差異。 本研究結果發現,在生活品質衡量基礎之四個範疇(生理健康範疇、個人心理信念範疇、社會關係範疇與外在環境範疇)中,參與市民大學之學員在生理健康範疇與個人心理信念範疇較未參與之民眾平均積分高。此結果可發現終身學習對於生理健康範疇與個人心理信念範疇的提升較有正面的影響,但此與平鎮市市民大學所開設之課程有關。故本研究建議平鎮市市民大學可將開設之課程更多元化,以進一步提升社會關係與外在環境此二範疇之平均積分;並建議民眾可利用工作或課業之餘參與市民大學之課程,有助生活品質之提升。


With the rise in educational level and average age, the public is developing increasing awareness toward the enhancement of living quality. According to past literatures, life-long learning positively affects quality of life. However, studies that target the academic programs offered by local citizenry universities are rare. Therefore, this research used Ping-Jen Citizen University as an example and classified the sample groups as follows: citizens that actually participated in the program was labeled Experiential Group; Ping-Jen citizens that never participated in university programs was named Control Group A; and those that applied for the programs but never participated was named Control Group B. This study then applied ANOVA analysis to explore the effect of these three groups on quality of life. Findings indicated that among the 4 quality of life domains (physical, psychological, social relations, and external environment), the physical and psychological aspects of students that participated in citizen university programs were higher than those that did not participate. This finding demonstrated that life-long learning positively influences the enhancement of physical and psychological territories, but this relationship is affected by the type of program offered. As a result, this study suggests that citizen university can open more diversified courses to further upgrade the average scores in the social relations and external environment aspects. It is also recommended that citizens utilize their spare time from work or academics to participate in citizen university programs in order to boost their quality of life.


