  • 學位論文

探討神經外科和骨科醫師的內部行銷、創新行為及顧客導向之研究 - 以大台北和桃園地區為例

Explore neurosurgery and orthopedics surgeons on internal marketing and innovation behavior and customer oriented researches – a case study of Taipei and Taoyuan areas

指導教授 : 牛涵錚


本研究的目的在瞭解大台北和桃園地區神經外科和骨科醫師對於內部行銷、創新行為和顧客導向之相互差異和影響及相關情形。本研究方法為問卷調查法,研究對象為大台地區和桃園地區的神經外科和骨科醫師,以立意抽樣方法來進行調查,並於 2014 年 5 月 1 日至 2014 年 5 月 30 日期間,共發出正式問卷135 份、回收有效問卷 128 份,有效回收率 94.81%,而所得資料經由描述性統計、獨立樣本 t 檢定、單因子變異數分析和迴歸分析及皮爾森積差相關等來進行統計分析。 本研究結果發現: 一、在內部行銷方面,以「教育訓練」的接受認同度為最高, 而以「人力資源管理 」為最低。在創新行為方面,以「態度積極」的感受程度為最高,而 以「技術敏銳」為最低。在顧客導向方面,「以病患為主」的感受程度為最 高,「以員工為主」低於整體平均數。 二、在內部行銷對於創新行為是有顯著的影響關係,可解釋為內部行銷的感受 程度會直接影響創新行為的結果。 三、在創新行為對於顧客導向是有顯著的影響關係,可解釋為創新行為的感受 程度會直接影響顧客導向的結果。 四、在內部行銷對於顧客導向是無顯著的影響關係,可解釋為內部行銷的感受 程度並不會直接影響顧客導向的結果,是必須藉由創新行為作為中介變數 之後,才能間接影響顧客導向。


Purpose of this research try to understand that neurosurgery and orthopedics surgeons relationship amount in internal marketing, innovation behavior, and customer oriented in Taipei and Taoyuan areas. This research adopted questionnaire survey method, to neurosurgery and orthopedic surgeons of Taipei and Taoyuan area for the research object. Sampling investigation from May 1st to May 30th, 2014, Total of 135 questionnaires returned, valid recovery questionnaires is 128, valid recovery rate is 94.81%. The statistics analysis adopted in this research including description statistics, and t test, one-way ANOVA and regression analysis and Pearson’s correlation coefficients. The results of study find that: First, in terms of internal marketing in order to "education and training" receives recognition for the highest, while "human resources management" for the minimum. In terms of innovation, with "positive attitude" level is the highest, "technology sensitive" for the minimum. In terms of customer orientation, the "patient-oriented" level is the highest, "employees-oriented" below the overall average. Second, in internal marketing for innovative behavior has a significant effect, and can infer that internal marketing to innovative behavior has directly effect. Third, innovation behavior has significant effects to customer orientation, which can infer that innovation behavior can effect customer-oriented directly. Forth, internal marketing to customer orientation is not significant, which can infer that the level of internal marketing does not has directly affect to customer oriented. However, internal marketing should effect customer orientation by mediating variable-innovation behavior.


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