  • 學位論文


An Empirical Research on Service Quality of Military Logistics:A Case of Outsourcing Restaurant

指導教授 : 黃一峯


「軍以戰為主,戰以勝為先」,建軍就是建立戰力,用兵即為運用戰力;而後勤則為建立戰力支援作戰之重要因素。軍隊作戰時,伙食是重要的後勤支援重點,其為維繫部隊戰力必要項目。故國軍各級餐廳皆以「服務」為核心精神,秉持「食勤衛生制度化,管理方式統一化」之要求,確實依照「程序、步驟、要領」來執行各項作業,但多年來國軍餐廳的服務品質仍有待深入研究。本文探討國軍餐廳的服務品質,並比較藉委外經營與自營之間服務品質的差異,進而提出建議,以供有司決策參酌。 本研究以空軍基地所有官士兵及聘雇人員為研究對象,自營餐廳共發出810 份問卷,有效問卷630 份;委外餐廳則發出420 份問卷,有效問卷295 份。發現國軍餐廳委外經營與自營間,消費者對於自營滿意程度較高;對於重視程度反而是委外經營為高,顯示消費者對於委外經營有很大期望,但相較於滿意程度卻沒有跟隨著提高。因此委外經營還需再加強提升服務品質。 本研究建議國軍餐廳應持續改進硬體設施、服務人員儀表及提供服務的工具與設備,改變消費者對於目前國軍餐廳刻板印象,營造嶄新的用餐環境,使消費者有耳目一新的感覺。 並建議廠商提供消費者便利與貼心的服務,以滿足消費者不同情況之個別需求等。


The main function of maintaining armed forces is for preparation of wars. To build up military forces is to build up combat power, and building military forces is relying on logistics. Food supply is one of the indispensible elements of logistics in the period of combat which can remain combat power. The R.O.C military mess hall hold “service” as its core value. They follow the requirement of ‘procedures, steps, and techniques’ to carry out daily tasks. It’s important to study the service quality among military restaurants. The research aimed to explore the service quality and the differences between self-run and contract-out restaurants through a questionnaire survey. 810 questionnaires were distributed to self-run restaurants and 630 valid questionnaires were returned. 420 questionnaires were distributed to contract-out restaurants and 295 returned. The research findings indicated that consumers have more satisfaction to self-run restaurants but they also hold higher expectation to contract-out restaurants. The result shows that though consumers hold higher expectation to contract-out restaurants but the satisfactions do not increase meanwhile. It is obviously that contract-out restaurants still need to pay more attention to rising service quality. The research suggests that mess halls in military shall sustaining improves their hardware tools and facilities to change mechanical impression in customers’ mind and runs a fresh dining environment to bring a new image to consumers. Suggest vendors to provide convenient and close services to satisfy demands of individual consumer.


Service Qualit PZB Model SERVQUAL scale


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