  • 學位論文

歐洲聯盟區域政策及其在 波蘭實踐之研究

The Study Of EU’s Regional Policy And Its Practice In Poland

指導教授 : 郭秋慶


歐洲聯盟不斷擴大使得成員國之間在經濟、社會的差距進一步拉大,唯有成員國間及其地區能夠達到經濟社會的協調發展,統合才能夠順利的向前發展。因此,旨在消除歐盟內部差距、實現歐盟內部經濟、社會與區域統合的歐盟「區域政策」,或稱「凝聚政策」便由此發展出來。而「結構基金」與「凝聚基金」則是歐盟在國家層面和區域層面上,支持會員國在經濟和社會發展上的主要政策工具。在歐盟區域政策發展多年來,對於促進各會員國的經濟社會發展、協助落後地區的開發,降低區域間差異以及加強會員國間的凝聚力等,都起了相當大的作用。 波蘭於1989年脫離共產政權,邁向市場經濟及走向民主化國家之路。2004年加入歐盟後,凝聚政策扮演著關鍵性的角色在波蘭的經濟社會發展上,造就了波蘭境內龐大的工作機會,增加就業率也提升了人民的收入,甚至在2009年歐債危機影響全世界的同時,波蘭卻是特例,是歐盟國家中經濟成長率唯一呈現正增長的國家。波蘭在這二十年間成功的從計畫經濟向市場經濟轉型,實現了國家的現代化,國家基礎交通建設發展也明顯進步,甚至在2012年同烏克蘭舉辦了歐洲盃足球大型賽事,成功地寄托著波蘭向世界展示新形象的期望,這都與波蘭有效地運用歐盟基金有密不可分的關係,同時也成為許多歐盟國家在運用區域政策工具上所學習的對象。2014年是波蘭加入歐盟的第十個年頭,透過區域政策投資計畫的施行,提供了波蘭很多的機會,歐盟區域政策基金的運用對波蘭在經濟發展和勞動市場都有正面的效益。


The ongoing enlargement of European Union causes a larger economic and social gap between member states. Only the Member states and their regions achieve the economic and social harmonious development, then the EU integration could be able to go further. Regional Policy aims to reduce the significant economic, social and territorial disparities that still exist between Europe’s regions, and its implementations are Structural Fund and Cohesion Fund. EU Regional Policy has great impact on fostering economic and social development, assisting the lagging area’s development, reducing the disparities and consolidating the cohesion within member states. After 1989, Poland entered a new phase of its development from communist regime to market economy and democratic country. Poland joined EU in 2004, and the Regional Policy played a crucial role in Poland’s development. It created a huge job opportunities, enhanced the employment rate and increased the income in Poland. In 2014, it is the 10th anniversary of Poland’s accession to the EU, Poland have transited successfully, achieving the nation modernization, and also having great progress on national infrastructure, especially in transportation sector. Those are all connected with effective use of EU funds. And Poland becomes a good model of using EU funds among member states. Regional Policy has positive effect in Poland.


楊三億(2005),〈歐盟東擴及其對波蘭衝擊:政治經濟面向之分析〉,《全球政治評論》,No.11, 79-110。
Report on the implementation in 2006 of the National Development Plan for 2004-2006, Ministry for Regional Development of the Republic of Poland, 2007.
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