  • 學位論文


Development of Integrated BIM Construction Management APP-A Case Study of Process Building Construction Management System

指導教授 : 蔡明修


在現今BIM技術使用的蓬勃發展下,顧問公司或建築師採用BIM相關設計軟體進行規劃設計之案例也不斷增加。然而就營造廠而言BIM的效益卻不盡皆能彰顯,其原因可導於,施工階段所包含之施工管理資訊(Information)往往都最為大量且繁雜,而多數的施工管理資訊皆存在於營造廠自身既有的施工管理系統之中,在BIM模型建模過程中所包含的模型資訊並不能有效的針對各專案施工上的需要進行建置,造成施工階段的管理資訊難以與BIM進行整合,設計階段之BIM模型難以有效應用於施工階段之現象,導致BIM模型於營造廠手中有如「資訊孤島」。為此,本研究將透過以既有BIM模型之再使用(reuse)為基礎,透過Unity遊戲引擎實作一能整合既有BIM模型與施工管理系統之整合式系統,以期達到既有BIM模型資訊整合之效益。本研究主要目的為下:(1) 建立一個以Unity遊戲引擎為主要開發環境之「BIM模型與施工管理系統整合開發流程」。(2) 以既有之「建築施工流程管理系統」為例,建立「整合式BIM施工管理APP」。透過「BIM模型與施工管理系統整合開發流程」之開發,整合既有BIM模型與施工管理系統,實現「整合式BIM施工管理APP」,期盼BIM模型於施工階段之應用能更有效的被使用。


Building information modeling (BIM) technology has brought the construction industry a significant opportunity for innovation in each phase of the construction project lifecycle. More and more advanced applications and mechanisms based on the BIM model has been developed and adopted in the past decade. However, due to the segmented information through each phase of the project lifecycle and the functional limitations of the current BIM software, it is challenging to integrate the heterogeneous data and information into a BIM model for enhancing the utility of the BIM model in the future. To overcome this circumstance, this study firstly addressed an information integration mechanism as the basis for integrating the distributed information in the BIM model and the other information within different databases of the legacy information systems. Secondly, an integrative system development process of BIM-based information management system using the Unity development platform was proposed. Following the development process, finally, a virtual-reality-based construction process information management application on the mobile device was developed to facilitate the information integration between the existing BIM model of a case project and the legacy construction process information system. Accordingly, this study represents the proper and feasible approach to use BIM model as an information container integrating the external construction information, and furtherly developing an information management application with the virtual-reality user interface in the mobile device.


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