  • 學位論文


Market segmentation for organic products in Taipei

指導教授 : 吳坤山


科技的進步變遷及生活水準的提升,人們從新追求自然飲食,消費者對飲食的需求不再只是溫飽,而且更求食品的安全性與健康。歐洲盛行多年的有機農產品,在台灣也漸漸開始形成風潮,有機食品廣受消費者的喜愛與認同,生機飲食也成為部分健康族的飲食目標,因此消費者日益關心農產品的栽種環境和方法,致有機耕種的需求逐步成長,雖然健康安全的食品消費市場已日漸成熟,然而有機種植在生產過程中成本偏高,故其市場價格高於一般食品價格,使許多消費者在購買上卻步。所以經營者的問題是顧客在那?顧客是誰?他們有何特徵、需求為何?如何將顧客由整個市場找出來?從市場區別不同類型的顧客族群使滿足其需求。 在這個日漸上升的新產業,將帶給地球與人類更多的健康。它是一個無限商機的新市場,而誰最能夠了解消費者的需求並提供更能貼近市場的服務才能取得市場的優勢與競爭力。因此,本研究以消費者的角度來探討其消費行為、消費價值、生活型態對有機農產品的接受度,進而分析有機農產品的市場區隔。 本研究從相關的文獻探討開始著手,再根據其理論基礎建立本研究之架構與假說,並選用適當的量表為研究工具,採用便利抽樣法進行抽樣,經抽取大台北地區年滿20歲以上之消費者700人實施問卷調查。針對回收的有效樣本432份資料,進行信度分析,敘述性統計,因素分析,集群分析,單因子變異數分析和卡方檢定。經實證分析和討論後,獲致主要結論如下: 一、不同生活型態區隔的消費者其購買行為有顯著差異。 二、不同生活型態的消費者在其消費價值無顯著差異。 三、不同生活型態的消費者在年齡、可支配所得有顯著差異。 最後,依據研究結論,對有機農產品相關業者及未來研究提出具體建議,以供參考。


With the cutting-edge technology and upgraded quality of life, people intend to diet naturally. They demand not only the taste of what they eat but also the safety and quality. The trend of organic products has started to whip the certain areas of Taiwan from Europe. Organic foods are broadly affected and approved by consumers. The fresh food also becomes the goal of healthy tracers. Hence, customers are getting more concerned about the planting environment and growing method of farm products. Thus, the demand for organic food keeps growing. Although the market of the healthy food becomes mature day after day, the cost of organic products in production process is higher. This makes the market price of organic products above others. Consumers may reduce their purchasing power. Therefore, the sellers’ questions are: Where is the market? Who is the customer? What characters they have? How to find out the customers from the entire market? It is required to screen the different group of the customers and meet their demands. These new rising food products will bring more health for earth and humanity. It is a new market with infinite opportunity. Who, understanding most consumer's demand and provide then closer services, would obtain the superiority and competitive power in market. Therefore, this research, by consumer's perspective, will discuss consumer behavior, consumption value, lifestyle and acceptability to the organic products, so as to analysis market segmentations form organic products. This research had begun from relative references, then set up structure and hypotheses according to its theoretical foundation, select proper scale for study tool, and adopt convenience sampling implement questionnaire investigation for total 700 above 20 years old Consumer in Taipei area. Effective 432 samples retrieved and analyzed the reliability, Descriptive Statistics, Principle Component Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, One-Way ANOVA and Chi-square. After the empirical research, the findings as follows: 1. Different lifestyle distinguishing consumer has significant difference in his purchase behavior. 2. Different lifestyle consumer has no significant difference in his consumption value. 3. Different lifestyle consumer has significant difference in age and disposable income. Finally, accord to the research conclusion, I will submit the concrete proposal for reference to the organic agricultural product entrepreneur and future study.


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