  • 學位論文


A Study on the Regulations and Policies of Organic Agriculture

指導教授 : 郭華仁


有機農業具有保育環境生態、促進農村發展、以及提供優質食品與食品安全等多功能價值,已成為許多國家重要的農業發展方向。隨著我國國民生活品質提升,民眾逐漸重視健康及環境議題,因此近來也開始對有機農產品產生興趣。然而,我國政府相關單位從1995年開始推動有機農業以來,至2005年為止國內有機農地面積仍只有1700公頃,僅占台灣總農地面積的0.2%;政府機關及民間組織多年來對有機農業的推動,似乎未達理想成效。究其原因,缺乏健全之有機法規及相關政策,為我國有機農業發展受限之主要因素,因此本文擬探討歐盟、美國、以及日本有機農業法規及政策的發展經驗及內容,作為我國制定有機農業相關法規及政策之參考。 第一章介紹有機農業之起源,以及全球有機農業發展概況,建立對有機農業之基本認識。第二章說明目前國際上重要有機法規的發展歷程及內容,藉此了解法規在有機農業發展上的重要性。第三章至第四章進行各國有機農業法規之比較。第三章主要探討各國有機作物生產標準之內容,由各國立法例可知,我國應積極研議制定有機種子規範與制度之可行性,並加強修訂有機資材之相關規範。第四章探討各國認證、驗證、標示及進口規範,逐一說明各國規範內容,並比較我國有機法規與各國差距,並對我國缺失之處提出修訂建議。第五章針對歐盟及美國有機農業政策的發展歷程與內容作一全面性的探討,提供我國作為制定政策的參考;第六章說明歐盟及美國在有機農業研究及教育方面的發展與趨勢。最後於第七章提出結論,並對我國提出下列建議:(1)制定獨立且結構完整的有機農業法規;(2)加強有機作物標準之規範內容;(3)建構完整且能與國際接軌之認驗證規範、標示規範、以及進口規範;(4)設計具區別性之國家有機標章;(5)制定全國性整合型有機農業政策;(6)提供國家型有機農業研究計畫及推動跨領域研究之整合。


有機農業 標準 認證 驗證 標示


Many countries promote organic agriculture because it helps preserving environment, promoting rural economy, and providing high quality and safe food. The Taiwan government actions to promote organic agriculture since 1995, but by now the acreage is only 1700 hectares, which is about 0.2% of total agricultural land. The main cause can be lacking of sound organic regulation and supporting policies. This thesis aims to study the regulations and policies of organic agricultural in European Union, the United States and Japan, the results of which may contribute to the establishment of organic legislation and policy in Taiwan. To provide the basic knowledge, Chapter 1 reviews the origin and the global situation of organic agriculture. Chapter 2 analyses the developmental history and the context of main international organic regulations, which will reveal the importance of organic regulation. The following two chapters compare organic regulations of some countries. Chapter 3 focuses on the organic crop production standards. It concludes that Taiwan should amend the regulation of organic seed and farm inputs. Chapter 4 focuses on the regulations of accreditation, certification, label and imports as well as points out the insufficiencies in Taiwan organic regulation and providing the suggestions to amend it. In Chapter 5 the organic policies of European Union and the United States are described. It will assist Taiwan government to development the organic policy through learning the experiences of policies development in other countries. Chapter 6 shows the present situation and the future trends of organic research and education in the European countries and in the United States as well. Chapter 7 summaries the important conclusions of this study and proposes that Taiwan should: (1) establish a comprehensive organic regulation instead of the act of certification; (2) strengthen the rules of organic crop standard; (3) develop regulations of accreditation, certification, label and import which are effective and recognized by other countries; (4) design a national organic label that can be clearly distinguished and recognized; (5) development a national integrated organic policy; and (6) provide the national organic research program and proceeds in an interdisciplinary and integrated approach.


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Agriculture Marketing Service (2002) Entire Standards of the National Organic Program. Agriculture Marketing Service, USDA.
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