  • 學位論文


A Study of Open Access in Taiwan Humanities and Social Science Journals

指導教授 : 邱炯友


本研究透過訪談法,對臺灣人文社會學科期刊進行探討,藉以瞭解目前臺灣人文社會學科期刊開放取用之情形,以及瞭解期刊編輯對於OA與Hybrid OA之看法,期望研究結果,能作為未來臺灣人文社會學科學術期刊推行OA之參考。歸納本研究之研究結果如下: 一、期刊編輯樂見於OA之發展 二、OA尚未普及仍有待推廣 三、Hybrid OA於臺灣發展尚存疑慮 四、開放單篇文章費用應由作者、作者所屬母機構與期刊出版單位共同負擔 本研究依據研究結果分別對Hybrid OA、臺灣人文社會學科、政府及相關單位與開放單篇文章費用之負擔比例提出相關建議。


Through the in-depth interview, this research conducts a study on Taiwan humanities and social science journals. This research is aimed at exploring the practice of open access in Taiwan humanities and social science journals, as well as looking into the viewpoint and attitude of Journal editors about open access and hybrid open access. The findings can be used as references by Taiwan humanities and social science journals and make use of such results in open access in the future. The findings are as follows: 1.Journal editors are optimistic to the development of open access. 2.Open access is not prevailing in Taiwan humanities and social science journals and still needs to be promoted. 3.There are some doubts in the development of hybrid open access in Taiwan. 4.The fees for the article should be charged on author, the organization which the author belongs to and journals publishers. Based on the above findings, several suggestions are provided to hybrid open access, Taiwan humanities and social science journals, government organizations and the fees that should be charged for the article.


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