  • 學位論文


A Study of Mobile Learning into the Instructional Development and Practical Guidelines for the Teachers from Elementary and Junior High Schools

指導教授 : 徐新逸


本研究以系統化教學發展進行行動學習教學前的規劃,從國內已有行動學習經驗的教師,探討其教學實施經驗,瞭解其過程中之分析、設計、發展、實施及評鑑等階段之教學發展,將這些專業經驗及應用關鍵要項呈現出來,綜整歸納出行動學習生手教師可參考應用的教學發展檢核工具。 研究方法分別採用問卷調查法以及訪談法,採用立意取樣,針對教育部及雙北市具有實施行動學習經驗的教師進行訪談及問卷調查,訪談對象為實施行動學習經驗的教師7位,問卷抽取樣本為68位,問卷回收37份,回收率52.9%。本研究得到的結論有: 一、 分析教師實施行動學習於教學的相關影響面向應該考慮的人、事、時、地、物等五個面向,共計21個要項或因素。在”人”面向包括教師的教學創新接受度和實施意願以及互動程度、行政人員和資訊人員以及校外人員的協助;在”事”面向包括預期目標、合作學校、競賽參與、專業研習課程、行政支援、教學成效;在”時”面向包括適當時機以及教學進度;在”地”面向包括合適的地點以及校園各處的無線網路;在”物”面向包括教學軟體、行動載具、教材資源、現有資源,可幫助教師在實施行動學習所需要考慮的要項或因素。 二、 系統化規劃中小學教師實施行動學習融入教學發展,在需求階段包括分析預期達到的目標、教學軟體或教材的需求、使用行動學習的情形、教師素養、學生素養、資訊設備的需求、需要資訊人員和行政人的協助;設計與發展包括評鑑方式、學習效果、教材內容、教學設計、教學方式、研習課程、資訊素養訓練,探討現行實施行動學習融入教學發展的條件。 三、 本研究歸納中小學教師實施行動學習融入教學發展之檢核工具「教師實施行動學習融入教學發展自我檢核表」;以需求評估、設計與發展、形成性評鑑階段即實施後的總結性評鑑等階段,分別列出教學發展過程中應該考慮的人、事、時、地、物等面向因素與檢核要項,藉此幫助行動學習生手教師規劃、發展教學及自我檢核工具。 最後依據上述結論提出對學校以外單位、學習與教師、以及對未來研究的建議,盼望能提供臺北市及新北市中小學教師實施行動學習之作業流程及輔助鷹架,以便幫助老師們正確地使用科技來有效地達成教學目標。


Based on a systematic approach of instructional development, this study formulated plans for mobile learning. By focusing on teachers who had mobile learning experience, this study investigated their teaching experiences to understand the instructional development stages (involving analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation) in the process of implementing mobile learning instruction. The teachers’ professional experiences and key components to apply mobile learning into their teaching were examined. Besides, this study also porposed instructional development tools that can be applied by novice mobile learning teachers. This study used purposive sampling and conducted a questionnaire survey and interviews with teachers who had experience with implementing mobile learning in Taipei City, and New Taipei City, Taiwan. Seven teachers who have abundant experience in the implementation of mobile learning were interviewed. For the questionnaire 68 subjects were issued the questionnaires but only 37 were returned. The return rate was 52.9%. The conclusions of this study are: 1. Analysis of teachers implementation of mobile learning in teaching related effects should be considered for five-oriented (Who, How, When, Where, and What), 21 indices. From the “who” side include teaching innovation, behavior Intention, interaction and assist the administrative staff, IT staff and outside personnel. From the “How” side include target, cooperation between the two schools, competition, studies course, school administrative support and teaching effects. From the “When” side include appropriate for the moment and instructional paces. From the “Where” side include appropriate for the site and wireless network of school. From the “Where” side include instructional software, mobile devices, teaching materials. To help teachers in the implementation of action learning. 2. Mobile learning into the instructional development for the teacher from elementary and high schools are implemented by using systematic design method. In need assessment part, it includes target, instructional software and teaching materials of requirement, appropriate for the moment, teachers literacy, student literacy, information technology of requirement, assistance the administrative staff and IT staff of requirement. In design and development include evaluation methods, learning effectiveness, teaching materials, instructional design, instructional methods, studies course, information literacy training. Above all, the conditions of mobile learning into the instructional development are all taken into consideration. 3. A checklist for mobile learning into the instructional development and practical guidelines for the teacher from elementary and high schools are presented by using systematic approach ADDIE(Analysis, Design, Decelopment, Implementation, Evaluation)model and considered the needs of “who”, “how”, “what”, “when”, “where” to mobile learning into the instructional development. The checklist provides preparation guidelines for novice as well as experienced teachers Based on results, several suggestions for the evaluation criteria and further study are also discussed in the end of paper.


王千倖(2010)。「資訊科技融入教學」推廣政策之敘說研究。教育實踐與研究,23(1), 31-56。


