  • 學位論文


Set up the discussion of the mechanism of cooperation in economy and trade of two sides - Regard economic zone of west bank in the straits as case study

指導教授 : 張五岳 范志強


進入21世紀以來,經濟全球化已經是一種無法阻擋的趨勢,然而經濟全球化下不但使得整合與衝突同時並存,而區域經濟整合的意識也隨之跟著抬頭,因為地方分權化與邊陲化也使得許多資源分配失去平衡,各地區為鞏固自己的特有利益,不論是美州、歐洲還是亞洲也興起了一股區域間的整合浪潮。 然而面對區域經濟整合的浪潮,身為世界貿易的重要成員,台灣無法置身事外。不過,眾所皆知台灣在與各國洽談FTA時常面臨許多困難,除了不同的經貿因素制約外,與兩岸政經關係特別是中國大陸的國際政經影響力有著極密切關係。台灣除了要積極與主要貿易伙伴洽談FTA之外,一般認為兩岸經貿關係能否正常化,乃至以日益頻繁互賴的兩岸經貿關係能否建立起進一步經濟合作機制,不僅對兩岸政經關係有著深遠的影響,對台灣跟東亞主要貿易伙伴洽談FTA也有關鍵的連帶作用。 兩岸的學者專家都對於兩岸經貿合作機制做出一番評估與提出不同見解,因而有「兩岸共同市場」、「大中華經濟圈」…等等提案,但這些合作機制都是需要一個過程來漸漸達成的,所以近年來便有藉由「海峽西岸經濟區」試行以逐步達成兩岸經貿合作機制。本論文就是以政治經濟學為途徑,經由政治與經濟兩種層面,探討海峽西岸經濟區的可行性,及對於建立兩岸經貿合作機制之作用。


Since entering 21st century, the economic globalization is a kind of trend that can't be stopped. However, the economic globalization makes many new problem and challenge. For example, resource allocation overbalances in a lot of areas and countries. Under this trend, each area is in order to protect oneself, no matter American state, Europe or Asia appears “The Area Combining”. However, Taiwan has important status in global trade, so it is unable to sit on the sidelines. But a lot of people know that Taiwan often faces a lot of difficulties about negotiating FTA with various countries. Except that different economic and trade factors are restricted, the intervention of China is one of the main factors too. Besides negotiating FTA with various countries actively, trading ties of Taiwan and China will be normalization or not? These factors will make a great impact in the future. Scholars of Taiwan and China have many different opinions about trading ties on two sides. For example, “Common markets of two sides” and “Greater China's economy enclosing”…, all these are very important theories. “Economic zone of west bank in the straits” is one of them too. The article uses political economy to discuss “Economic zone of west bank in the straits”. How is development of “Economic zone of west bank in the straits” in the future? Good or bad? These are focal points of the article.


3. 王敏主編,經濟全球化與區域經濟發展(山東:山東人民出版社,2005年1月) 。
6. 郭瑞華,「海峽西岸經濟區評析」,展望與探索,第4卷第4期,2006年4月。
8. 童振源,「海峽西岸經濟區之評估與展望」,兩岸共同市場基金會通訊,第13期 (2006年3月)。
33.練卜鳴,中國區域經濟的四大亮點:福建廈門的未來展望(台北:成信文化事業股份有限公司,2005年5月) 。


