  • 學位論文


Community Development in Underpopulated Rural Areas in Japan – with Focus on Gose City

指導教授 : 石田光義


本論文是從日本目前最關注的地方過疏化及一極集中的問題點,來介紹地方自治體的生活方式及如何過這難關,發現及研究現有存在得問題。本論文是以日本奈良縣的御所市為研究對象。隨著人口的減少,伴隨而來的是稅收、空屋、老人照顧問題、經濟問題、公共設施的維持和醫療問題等食衣住問題,都和市民的生活是習習相關的。御所市也不是唯一這樣的自治體,還有很多和御所市一樣且更嚴重的自治體存在,只是我們還不知道而已。 日本從平成大合併、大店法、地方振興三法到三位一體政策,幾過了無數次努力仍無法解決地方衰退的問題。日本政府也察覺,在內閣府下成立日本地方創生推進局,來正面迎戰過疏化的問題。他們提倡機能集縮式都心及結合交通網路鍊的概念,已在日本多個自治體中試行。本論文也會介紹這幾個範例。 最後依照例案的成果,整理與御所市相鄰各個自治體的關係,以御所市現擁有的資源及可成為利益的武器,來評斷未來施政的方向。


This paper attempts to focus on the issue related to rural depopulation and excessive concentration of population and industries in Tokyo observes the ways of living in the declining rural areas, and explores the ways to overcome the current problems there. Its main study target is Gose City, Nara Prefecture in Japan. As the population is reduced, there are various issues emerging in terms of the vacant house, care of the elderly, tax, maintenance of public facilities, rebuilding the local economy. In addition, directly related to civilian life, medical care, such as issues related to food, clothing and shelter has occurred. Gose is not an exception. Actually there are some municipal governments faced with the same or even worse situation than Gose in Japan. The whole picture is yet to emerge. The trend of rural decline has not been reversed yet, despite all the countermeasures implemented so far, including the great mergers of the Heisei period, Large-scale Retail Store Law, three town development laws, and the trinity reform. The Japanese government has now established the Local Revitalization Office in Cabinet Office to tackle the rural depopulation issues head-on. The office advocates the concept of “compact city + network”, which has been applied to some municipalities as experiments. This paper will introduce some of those examples. Lastly, based on the achievements made in those examples, this paper explores the relationships between Gose City and its adjacent municipalities, and attempts to propose appropriate countermeasures for the future that take advantage of their current resources and potentiality.


2. 葛城市著(2007)「葛城市都市計画マスタープラン」葛城市市役所出版
3. 御所広報(各年度)御所市役所出版出版
