  • 學位論文


The comparison of the selected system of the textbook in junior high school between Taiwan and China

指導教授 : 陳伯璋


論文提要內容: 隨著各國教育改革風潮,多元文化價值的崛起,各式課程理論、制度如浪濤般衝擊舊有體制,其中,教科書開放政策可說影響層面最普及,相較於國民教育制度、升學考試制度等等民眾多僅能被動接受的教育政策而言,「教科書」政策在相當程度下包含了學生、家長的選擇,且其中亦因牽涉了出版社的營運問題,而使教科書開放政策議題更為複雜,此為筆者進行本研究之主要動機。 本研究針對教科書政策「編、審、選、用、評」各環節中,聚焦於「選用」過程中的法規、人員、組織、程序、規準等面向進行分析。基於海峽兩岸目前均推行九年一貫教育,且兩岸在文化背景、地緣因素上具有較高之同質性,故以海峽兩岸之教科書選用情形做為研究主題,並以大陸地區教學實驗區作為比較對象,以比較研究法兼採文件分析法及訪談法,實地前往大陸上海,針對海峽兩岸的行政官員、專家學者、學校職員及出版業者進行訪談。本研究所提出之研究目的如下: 一、探討海峽兩岸中學教科書開放政策之背景及演變。 二、比較海峽兩岸中學教科書選用制度。 三、歸納研究結果,提出目前我國現行中學教科書選用制度之改進建議。 而本研究經訪談及比較後發現: 一、兩岸政治制度造成教科書選用(台灣重教師專業自主、大陸重行政管理) 二、課程、教材制度開放的主因不同(政治、經濟) 三、教育、課程、教材規劃不同(涉及權限、自主性、教師角色不同) 依本研究結果,提出建議如下: 一、建立教科書選用等相關法律規範 二、教科書選用程序具體化 三、行政機關應成立教科書選用輔導團,提供相關研習課程與資源 四、教科書選用程序應利用資訊化,俾能更臻公平、透明之要求 五、在國民教育法修法完成後,研擬跨校選書機制


教科書 教科書選用


Abstract: Among them all, textbook reform policy has the greatest influence and prevalence. To compare with the policies which are accepted passively by the populace such as the policy of national education and the system of entrance examinations. ‘Textbook’ itself somehow contains the options due to the students and parents literally. Furthermore, it is connected with some operation situations of the publishing companies. All of these make the subject of textbook reform policy much more complicated. And that’s what makes me the author do this research. This research analyzes the laws, the personnel, the organization, the procedure, and the criteria of the process of selecting the textbook based on the segment of editing, examining, selecting, implementing, and evaluating in the textbook reform policy. Based on the reason that both Taiwan and China are now practicing Grade 1-9 education, and both have similarities in the cultural background and geopolitics, thus I decided to choose the selected system of the textbook in junior high school between Taiwan and China as my topic of the research. Also, I set China as the comparison, using comparison research method, document analysis method and interview method to interview the administrators, experts, school staffs, and publishers in Shanghai, China. Following are the purposes of the research: a. To investigate the background and evolution of textbook reform policies among junior high schools between Taiwan and China. b. To compare the selected system of textbook among junior high schools between Taiwan and China. c. To conclude the result of research, come up with the idea to improve the current national textbook selected system. Some findings of this research after interviewing and comparing: a. Politic policies result in the differences of the textbook selected system (Taiwan emphasizes on teacher’s professional autonomy whereas China put emphasis on administration.) b. The main reasons of the reform of the curriculum and teaching material are different.(politics and technology) c. The programming of education, curriculum, and teaching material are different.(due to the limits of authority, autonomy, and the different roles of the teachers) Suggestions according to the results of this research: a. Set the proper law for textbook selected system. b. Specify the procedure of selecting textbooks. c. Administrative organizations should set consulting teams to provide relevant courses and resources. d. Textbook selecting procedure should combine the application of information technology to make it fair and transparent. e. After the revision of Compulsory Education Law, take selecting textbooks across the schools into consideration.


textbook textbook selected system


