  • 學位論文


A Comparative Study of Effects of International Brand and Local Brand on Consumer Behavior- Exemplified by Diamond Jewelry and Accessories

指導教授 : 李月華


由於科技的發展促進了資訊的流通與交通的便利,加以國際貿易的開放,降低了企業在擴張經營範圍上的困難程度。在此經營環境下,對企業而言是一種機會;卻也代表一種威脅。本土品牌的產品勢必要面對國際品牌的產品的挑戰。當消費者面對著各種「本土」及「國際」品牌的商品時,他們如何選擇與購買商品,是一個值得關切的問題。 本研究針對台灣的鑽石飾品市場,以一般會選購鑽石飾品的消費者為研究對象,透過線性結構關係模式來探討各個研究變數間的因果關係,以充份了解台灣消費者在選擇鑽石飾品時,價格、保證及國際品牌或本土品牌的形象等這些外部線索對消費者的知覺品質、風險和犠牲對購買意願的影響。主要研究方法採用問卷調查法進行資料的蒐集與分析。研究對象為在台北市二十五歲以上消費者為受測對象,於大台北地區,選擇人潮較多如百貨公司購買飾品的專櫃附近,選擇詢問鑽石飾品的消費者填答問卷。抽樣方式採用配額抽樣,分層基礎以行政區域占人口比例為主,總計發放 210 份,有效回收問卷為181 份,其中國際品牌Tiffany回收 95 份,本土品牌D&D回收 86 份,回收率為 86.2 %。以統計軟體SPSS12.0及AMOS 5.0進行統計分析,研究結果進行樣本資料分析、問卷量表及信度檢測、描述性統計分析、t檢定及利用線性結構模式(LISREL)檢定本研究之各假說是否成立。 根據研究結果歸納出結論如下: 一、提高產品的保證確實能有效提高消費者的知覺品質。 二、提高產品的保證確實能有效降低消費者的心理風險。 三、提高產品的品質確實能有效降低消費者的財務風險及心理風險 四、財務風險越高,知覺價值就越低 五、提高產品的知覺價值確實能有效提高消費者的購買意願 六、國際品牌的鑽石飾品確實讓消費者有較高的知覺價值 七、國際品牌的鑽石飾品確實能帶來較高的保證效果 八、國際品牌的鑽石飾品消費者於購買時,知覺品質就高於本土品牌


Technological developments have channeled information flow and transportations. The opening of international trades helped reduce the difficulty level of enterprise operation expansion. To an enterprise, this business environment is both an opportunity and a potential threat. Local brands are inevitably challenged by international brands. When consumers are exposed to various “local” and “international” brands, how they select and purchase a commodity is a study area of interest. This study focuses on the diamond jewelry and accessory market of Taiwan. Consumers that are likely to select and purchase diamond jewelry and accessories are study subjects in this research. Through Linear Structure Relational Model, the cause-effect relationship between study variables are discussed in order to fully understand the effects of the external cues such as price, guarantee, international brand, or local brand image on consumers’ perceived quality, risk, sacrifice, and purchase intention when Taiwanese consumers select diamond jewelry and accessories. The questionnaire survey method is used in data collection and analysis. The study subjects are consumers aged over 25 in Taipei area. Consumers inquiring about diamond jewelry and accessories in crowded places such as the jewelry section of a department store were asked to fill out the questionnaire. Quota sampling was adopted as the sampling method. In this sampling method, the population was first segmented into administrative districts. A total of 210 copies were distributed and 181 copies of valid questionnaires were collected. Among which, 95 copies were collected from Tiffany (international brand), and 86 copies were collected from D&D (local brand). The collection rate was 86.2%. Statistical analysis was then conducted using statistical software SPSS12.0 and AMOS 5.0. The study results then underwent sample data analysis, questionnaire scaling, reliability test, descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, and Linear Structure Relational Modeling (LISREL) to establish or reject the various hypotheses in this study. According to the study results, the following conclusions are induced: 1. Enhanced product guarantee effectively enhances consumers’ perceived quality. 2. Enhanced product guarantee effectively reduces consumers’ perceived risk. 3. Enhanced product quality effectively reduces consumers’ financial risk, and perceived risk. 4. The higher the financial risk, the lower the perceived value will be. 5. Enhanced perceived value for a product effectively enhances consumers’ purchase intention. 6 . International branded diamond jewelry and accessories enhances the perceived value on the part of the consumer. 7. International branded diamond jewelry and accessories have more guarantee. 8. The perceived quality for international branded diamond jewelry and accessories at the time of purchase is higher as compared to local brands. .


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