  • 學位論文


The Study of The Direction of Rising Competition of Taiwanˊs Industrial Market Using The Porterˊs Diamond Model

指導教授 : 翁耀臨博士 曾信超 博士


摘要 就國內經濟發展的成長而言,工業區的設立對產業發展與經濟成長有很大的貢獻。但近年來許多國內早期開發的老舊工業區,面臨公共設施老舊、廠房不堪使用、生產環境品質低落等問題,無法滿足新興高科技類型產業,亟需研發與生產基地之需求。而工業區最大的競爭優勢,即在於提供完善的生產環境及公共服務,若進駐廠商對現行工業區所提供的生產環境及公共服務不滿意,則工業區將喪失其原有的競爭力。 美國哈佛大學教授Michael E. Porter(1990 )在「國家競爭優勢」一書中提出「鑽石模型」理論,認為在企業競爭的成功,國家環境確實扮演了關鍵性角色。有些國家所提供的環境似乎比其他國家更能夠刺激產業進步和升級,國家與產業競爭力的關係,正是國家如何刺激產業改善和創新的關係。 本論文主要是以「鑽石模型」作為理論基礎,以台灣工業區作為研究對象,探討在「鑽石模型」的架構下所呈現的各項競爭力差異。由研究結果得知,提昇工業區競爭力四個構面明顯存在著「重視程度」與「滿意程度」的落差,亦意味著工業區四個構面均未達廠商的期望,對提升工業區競爭力還有相當大的努力空間。目前應優先改善的項目為:「土地售價/租金」、「創造園區價值」、「降低公司成本」「技術移轉」、「產業升級」等,此五項目意味著廠商對於這些項目的重視程度高,但服務中心卻無法使廠商感到相對的滿意;因此,服務中心應從此一缺口著手改進,以期提升工業區競爭力。


鑽石模型 工業區 競爭力


Abstract As far as the growth of the domestic economic developement is concerned,the establishment of the industrial park contributes a lot to industrial developement and economic growth. However,over the past few years reveal that many of old industrial parks are out-dated and obsolete,thus rendering them incapable of manufacturing and/or producing state of the art or high-tech goods and services. An industrial park biggest competitive leverage lies on its optimal environment and conditions for manufacturing and providing quality services. If an industrial park does not posses such environment and conditions, it loses its competitive edge. The professor of the Harvard University in America and the author of « The Competitive Advantage of Nations” brings up the theory of ‘’Diamond system’’,which indicates that the nation plays a crucial role in the success of enterprise’s competitiveness. Some nations seem to be able to provide better environment that boosts the industry progress and upgrading than other nations. The relation between a nation and the industrial competitiveness is equivalent to the capability of a nation to boost the industry in order to improve and innovate. Porter elucidates that innovation is not only based on the new techniques researched and developed by industry, but also on the location of it, both of them will decide whether the innovation activity is successful or not. The subject of this thesis focuses on “The Porter’s Diamond Model” as a study on how to improve Taiwan’s industrial parks’ competitive edge. The result tells us that the five dimensions to accelerate the competitive capacity of industrial parks differs from the degree of importance and satisfaction, which means that the five dimensions of the industrial parks do not live up to the expectation of the clients of an industrial park and thus there are still a lot of room for improvement to accelarate the competitiveness of the industrial parks. According to clients of an industrial park, their satisfaction in doing business with such park are:cost of real estate for either leasing or buying; availability and accessibility of assistance in the administrative procedures and the manufacturing of goods and products;cost saving;flexibility in switching and changing of skills and upgrading them;availability of assistance in modernizing technology from traditional methods to state of the art, and so on. The five requirements mentioned above are the main concerns of clients. However,the quality of costumer service is just as important. At the same time, an industrial park must constantly strive to provide the best services possible to maintain any competitive edge. Therefore, in order to accelarate the competitiveness of the industrial parks, service centre needs to work on these gaps.


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