  • 學位論文


Culture-led strategies for urban regeneration: cases study in Europe and Asia

指導教授 : 卓忠宏


在工業革命後,都市再生逐漸受到各國重視,強調以永續發展的原則,在對都市進行再造的同時,改善一地之經濟、社會與實質生活環境。然而在全球化的浪潮下,競爭已非國家而是各個都市之間,因此要如何建立具有獨特魅力的城市,成為一項新考驗。經各國長年研究,發現唯有以「人」為核心來規劃城市,才能在提升都市生活機能的同時,也達到刺激區域經濟與凝聚居民意識的成果。因此,除了重點式的更新與設置公共空間,越來越多城市利用文化旗艦計劃創造新的都市空間,例如興建博物館或發展節慶活動等等,西班牙畢爾包古根漢美術館是相當經典的案例,其意圖徹底改變的決心是成功的關鍵;除此之外,英國利物浦與日本六本木皆是揚名國際的案例,政府與民間的良好合作,重新塑造了新的城市意象。台灣的都市再生進度雖不比他國,但近年來亦有所發展,如新北市八里十三行博物館便是以生態博物館為核心,向外拓展服務圈,營造新的社區風貌,是台灣近期值得觀察與研究的都市再生一例。   本研究共計六章,第一章為緒論,說明研究動機與目的、研究方法、重要文獻評析等;第二章定義各種都市計劃,並講解文化觀光城市一詞的起源,介紹城市意象與觀光之關連;第三章進入案例,首先由英國利物浦與西班牙巴塞隆納開始,從背景資料開始解說,並探討其發展歷程與主要策略;第四章則為亞洲案例,由日本六本木起頭,介紹日本將文化融入都市計劃的過程,之後以八里十三行博物館為台灣案例;第五章則為比較研究,以Gunn之觀光五面向與城市意象為主,分析畢爾包古根漢與其他分館、台灣十三行博物館之間的差異或共同點;第六章為結論,回推第一章之研究目的進行討論,並反思台灣可學習改善之處。


Since Industrial Revolution, urban regeneration became an important issue in the world, basically equals urban renewal but on the strength of sustainable development, it emphasize that one plan can improve one city's economy, society and living environment. Owing to globalization, the competition of fascination is now between cities, after years research, people found that only when "human-beings" become the main idea in the city plan will promote the economic growth and raise the coherence at the same time. Therefore, besides set up public places, more and more cities choose to use cultural flagships plan to increase new city space, for example, establish museums or advertise festivals. The Guggenheim Bilbao is one classic case, the key of success is the determine to rebirth. Liverpool in Britain and Roppongi in Japan are also worldwide famous cases, they made a new image of city by well cooperation between government and non-government organization. Although Taiwan is later than others, there are many cases worth analyzing, Shihsanhang Museum of Archaeology at New Taipei City is one of them. This study has six chapters, but could be three parts generally. First of all, define the meaning of urban plans, explain cultural city and city image. Following is case study, begin with Liverpool and Barcelona, and then Roppongi and Shihsanhang. Finally, compare Guggenheim Bilbao with other branch and Shihsanhang, try to discover our weakness and other's strengths.


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