  • 學位論文


The study of influencing factors in the C bank employees’ advancement

指導教授 : 吳坤山


升遷是員工個人職業生涯發展的重要途徑,是組織對其能力與業績的肯定,是自身價值的提升,將帶來員工個人經濟與社會地位的提高以及更多的外部選擇機會。對銀行來講,職務升遷不但能發掘、維持與激發行內員工的潛能,更能運用合理升遷制度有效的舉才,並為加強組織的凝聚力,給未升遷者或新進員工提供職業發展期望從而增強員工的歸屬感。 本論文之研究對象為最近兩年內有發生升遷事實的C銀行員工,探討C銀行員工升遷時之最主要影響因素。本研究採用判斷抽樣之方式抽取樣本,總計發放320份問卷,回收樣本數為300份,扣除無效樣本60份後,有效樣本為240份,有效樣本回收率為80%。透過敘述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、相關分析及迴歸分析進行分析,其主要研究結果如下: 1. 本研究將影響C銀行員工升遷影響因素歸納為專業績效、員工能力和人際關係等三個構面。 2. 研究結果顯示男性比女性更贊同專業績效、工作能力與人際關係對升遷的影響;已婚且有小孩比未婚受訪者更贊同專業績效對升遷的影響;主管級員工的受訪者比一般員工的受訪者更贊同專業績效、工作能力、工作態度與人際關係對升遷的影響。不同教育程度、銀行所屬區域對專業績效、工作能力、工作態度與人際關係對升遷的影響認知上則無顯著差異。 3. 研究結果顯示C銀行員工認為人際關係對晉升頻率的影響最大。 關鍵詞:升遷、專業績效、工作能力、人際關係


Advancement is the important approach to employee career development, is recognition of one’s capacity and performance from one’s organization, is the value of upgrading itself, and it will also contribute to economic and social opportunities for advancement, as well as more external options. Advancement can not only discover, maintain and stimulate the potential of employees in the bank industry, with rational promotion system effective, it can also strengthen the cohesion of the organization; besides, for those who haven’t been promoted or new employees, career development expectations also enhance staff's sense of belonging. This study invited promoted employees for the last two years from C bank and researched the most major influencing factors itself. The result came form 240 questionnaires out of 320. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Career advancement is affected by the following factors: professional performance, work capacity, and interpersonal relationships. 2. The research results show that more men than women agree with professional performance, work capacity and interpersonal relationships which impact on promotions; married and have children than unmarried respondents endorsed the performance impact on the promotion of professional; supervisory staff of respondents than the average employee of the respondents agree with the professional performance, work capacity, work attitude and interpersonal impacts on promotion. Different levels of education, banking professional to inspect their performance, work ability, work attitudes, and no significant difference on the promotion effect of cognitive relationships. 3. The results showed C bank staffs believe that most affect frequency of promotion, interpersonal relationships.


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