  • 學位論文


The Relationships Among Public Service Motivation,Organization commitment and Citizen Behavior: A Survey of Public Hospital Employees

指導教授 : 黃一峯


依照我國政府組織的改造計畫,公立醫院是被行政院列為未來法人化的對象之一;為因應未來實施行政法人化,衛生署所屬醫院於民國91年即開始施行編制職員出缺不補,改以契約人力替代,以漸進方式逐年降低公務人事費用的比例;公立醫院員工任職型態已大幅改變,在薪資、福利權益已不若一般行政機關的保障;然值此情況,公立醫院的員工對自身的角色認知、組織認同及公民行為的表現為何?是研究者欲探討的。 本研究旨在探討值此組織改造與機構角色未定,及保障不再之際,不同的個人屬性(如任職型態、職業類別、擔任職級、性別、年齡、服務年資、學歷等)公立醫院員工在公共服務動機、組織承諾與組織公民行為之認知是否有顯著差異存在及其相關性。本研究以問卷調查法,對某署立區域教學醫院員工進行普查,共發出904份問卷,回收765份,有效問卷共669份,回收率74%。依據資料類型分別進行t檢定、單因子變異數分析(One-Way ANOVA)與相關分析(Correlation Analysis)。 研究發現,不同的個人屬性在公共服務動機、組織承諾及組織公民行為的認知,整體而言,趨勢是一致的,除了性別無顯著差異外,編制人員高於約用人員,主管人員高於非主管人員,年長與年資長均較年輕或資浅者高;醫院人員的組成主要是高學歷的醫療專業人員,但在本次研究結果顯示,學歷較低者及非醫療人員在公共服務動機、組織承諾及組織公民行為的認知普遍高於醫院內高學歷的醫療專業人員。另在公共服務動機、組織承諾及組織公民行為三者間及其構面間皆呈現顯著正相關,公共服務動機高者,組織承諾及組織公民行為表現則高。最後,依據研究發現,分別對公立醫院管理者及後續研究者提出建議。


According to the renovation plan of government organization in Taiwan, public hospital is listed as one of the industries that will develop into incorporation in the next future. Since 2002, to facilitate public hospitals toward the tendency in incorporation, the hospitals under the Health Department implement the policy that their deficient employees in civil servant will be replaced only by the contracting personnel. By this ways, public hospitals were gradually reducing the employee ratio of civil servant to contracting personnel, has changing dramatically in their human resource, organization structure and employee welfare as a result. Therefore, researcher of this study is interested in the employees’ in-role perception, organizational identify, and organizational citizenship behaviors in the public hospital systems. This study aims to investigate the relation between characteristics of employees profile such as age, gender, education background, job category, job position level and years of working experience to their public service motivation(P.S.M), perceived organizational commitment(O.C) and organizational citizenship behaviors(O.C.B) in the public hospital. There were 904 questionnaires sent to a certain regional medical center for census. 765 questionnaires including 669 valid questionnaires (The valid rate is 74 %.) are received. The data was analyzed by t-test, one-way ANOVA and correlation analysis. Findings showed that different employees’ characteristics have positive consistency with individual perception in public service motivation, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. In addition, although high-educated medical professionals are the majority in the hospital, the employees with lower education or working unrelated in medical categories shows greater perception of public service motivation, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors. The public service motivation, organizational commitment and organizational citizenship behaviors also have positive correlation with each other. In the end of the study some suggestions were provided to public hospital managers and sequent researchers for further studies.




周秀芳(2015)。公共服務動機與個人/組織契合度對服務導向 組織公民行為之影響-以大學行政人員為例〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2015.00529
