  • 學位論文


The Moderating Effect of Consumer Personality To The Impact of Experiential Marketing on Customer Satisfaction and Country Image

指導教授 : 李培齊


近年來政府實施周休二日制度,使消費者有更多時間安排自己的休閒娛樂,旅遊業者也針對短期假日活動,開始企劃更多相關旅遊套裝行程,以更新穎的體驗式行銷活動手法來吸引消費者,在過去相關文獻中發現,經驗開放型人格特質的消費者,對創意的思考與創新的方式接受度較高,因此本研究以經驗開放型人格特質做為干擾變項,探討體驗行銷的豐富程度與顧客滿意度之間的關係。除此之外,消費者去國外旅遊時,是否會透過體驗行銷與顧客滿意度而提升對旅遊國的印象。本研究採用情境設計法蒐集資料,然後以統計分析驗證假設,分析結果如下: (1)體驗行銷活動內容越豐富顧客滿意度越高結果顯示為不顯著 (2)五大人格特質中的經驗開放型是體驗行銷活動與顧客滿意度關係 間的干擾變項結果顯示為不顯著 (3)對外國顧客而言,體驗行銷活動能提升國家形象的評比,且體驗行銷滿意度越高的顧客,其國家形象的評比越高。


In recent years the Government announced five-day weekly work plan. Consequently, consumers have more time to organize their entertainment activities. Travel agents begin to design and promote various types of short-term tour packages. In order to attract consumers, some pacakages contain an creative element of experiential activities. Previous studies have shown that individuals with openess to experience personality are more acceptive to creative thinking and exotic activities. Therefore, this study take openess to experience personality as a moderating variable to study its impact on the relationship between customer satisfaction and experietial makketing activities. Furthermore, the impac of experiential marketing activities on host country images for oversea leisure travellers is also explored. This study employs scenario desings to collect data. After statistically tested the hypotheses, results are as follows: 1. The hypothesis that tour packages with more experiential activities would increase customer satisfaction is not statistically supported. 2. The hypothesis that openness to experience personality would moderate the relationship between experiential marketing activities and customer satisfaction is not statistically supported. 3. For oversea leisure travelers, the experience of experiential marketing ac-tivities could benefit host country image evaluation. The more satisfied the cus-tomer is toward experiential marketing activities, the better the evaluation is for host country image.


